Chapter Two!

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Spain's pov:

Yesterday was great! Lovino was so nice! Well, not particularly kind or polite, but he seemed nice! I've seen him around the corridors before. Alone. So maybe he just doesn't know how to react around people? I don't know.

OOO AN IDEA! What if I got his number?! Then we can talk out of school! Yes! Good one Toni!

Francis said he'd spoken to Lovino before and that he wasn't a boy. To that I was confused. He looked like a boy. He said he was a boy. He was a boy. Oh and the fact that if he wasn't a boy, I wouldn't be as gay as I thought. Hah! As if! He's definitely a boy.

In my house there was just me and my older brother, João, he was nice, I guess, but if you simply win a game if chess, he'll go mad. He was extremely competitive and hated change. So I haven't told him about me being gay yet. To be honest I was kinda scared too... Once I had to leave the house to let him calm down after his alarm went off a few hours early. It was me, I wanted to prank him, as a joke, but he flipped out and I had to leave. But enough about my family, it's school time! Which means I can see Lovino again!

I texted Francis and Gilbert to tell them I was leaving for school, and where we would meet. Then I started my walk to school, meeting them half way as usual.

"Bonjour Toni, Gil!" "Hallo!" "¡Hola amigos!" We did our almighty handshake that took hours to memorize. And set off. "So, Toni, you like the Italian kid?" Francis said to me as we walked. I felt myself blush a little. "No, why would you think that? He's just a freind." Francis honhoned and Gilbert kesesed. I just continued walking.

After a while I saw Lovino's brother, Feliciano, emerge. Gilbert's brother, Ludwig, went up to him and spoke. Then a strange girl walked up to them. I felt the need to go over there...

"Oi, you! Your sister still thinks she's a boy?! She needs fixing! Fix her!" That angered me. A lot. So much that Gilbert looked at me, clearly confused. I walked over to her. "Exscuse me! Hey! Kid!" She looked over to me. She was one of the girls taht would follow me around everywhere. "One: don't talk to Feliciano like that! And two: who are you talking about?!" She laughed and ran over to me. Feliciano ran after Ludwig. "Meh, I talk to people how I want. Who was I talking about? None other than Loriana Vargas."

I could see Lovino standing over by the door, clearly watching the conversation. "Are you talking about Lovino? He doesn't need fixing. He's perfect exactly how he is. He is my freind. And if you have something against that. Go away." She stayed and stared at me. "You like that freak? Pfft. As if!" I was getting really angry now. "HE IS MY FREIND AND YOU ARE NOTHING BUT AN IDIOT! GO AWAY!!! NOW!!!" I looked to Lovino. I couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing from this distance. The girl looked at me, scowled and wandered off.

Francis and Gilbert still looked stunned.

I looked around me. Noone else was there , not really. I walked over to Lovino. He was crying. Why though? "Lovino?" I put my hand on his shoulder. "Lovino? Are you okay?" He kept crying. I didn't know what else to do so I hugged him. Tried to tell him he was safe. He didn't reject the hug. "You bastard... You didn't have to do that... I would've stepped in..." Then he hugged me back. We just stood there. I didn't even hear the bell ring...

"OI, EARTH TO TONI AND LOVINO!" Francis yelled from behind me. I looked at Lovino. He looked better. Ish. "Toni, the bell has gone, you need to go to form!" Oh right. That. I pulled away from the hug gently. "Lovino... Form time..." He looked half asleep. Or at least like he could pass out any second. I was gonna have to guide him. I grabbed his hand, to which he reacted. "Bastard what do you think you're doing?" He looked at me. I was honest with him. "I'm guiding you to form because you looked like you were gonna pass out." He let me hold his hand as we walked to form.

Trans!Romano x Spain (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now