Chapter Six!

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Rome's pov:

I decided to try to help Lovino by helping him get some of his anger out. I know he has it in him. It's obvious. And sometimes it's nice to get angry at someone. I understand that. But in order to help him I went the wrong way. He had just started trusting me and I blew it all. Even Feli was scared of me. I told Antonio he couldn't see Lovino. I did the wrong thing. I know I did. And I regret it. But now I'm in the house on my own, with both my grandsons outside in the cold, alone, not safe inside, it makes me uncomfortable. I need to make sure they're okay. But who knows if they are even asleep.

So I went and had a look. I found the three in a bush. Damn. I fucked up. Feli was crying in his sleep. I can tell. I decided it best to wake him up and try to sort this out. Lovino is probably gonna hate me for the rest of time so I won't even bother with him yet. And Antonio, all I need to do with him is tell him he is welcome here, that should do. Anyway, I shook Feli slightly. That sometimes wakes him. He woke, but so did the other two. Well, at least they're prepared to stand up for each other.

"Nonno? What are you doing out here?" Feli said and cowered away slightly. "Hey Feli... Can I speak to you for a minute...? Alone...?" "Don't trust him Feli!" "Lovino, please..." "What? That was a shitty joke. And if you think that's acceptable to tell me then why should I trust you with my even more sensetive brother?! Answer that! Don't bother 'Lovino please' or 'but Lovino' ing me. Cuz I'm not fucking interested. Just piss off and leave us alone. " "E-everyone deserves a second chance, r-right?" Feli was on the verge of crying. I wanted to comfort him but there's no way Lovino will let me get near enough to him. "Not this time, Feli. Being kicked out of our own house is a little different than taking the last slice of pizza." "Please... Feli...?" "I guess for a few minutes... But then Lovi can come after, okay?" Feli trying to be tough is adorable but vaguely pointless.

"What is it you want, Nonno?" "You can come back into the house, and so can Lovino and Antonio, it was all a joke, I got angry at first, I was trying to help Lovino, it was wrong of me, please, believe me, I'm begging you here. I didn't mean to do harm!" I tried to explain in the short time I had with him. "Please, you don't have to be scared of me." He stared at me for a minute, when Lovino came in. He genuinely came, geez. Overprotective much? "Loviiii!!!" Feli ran to him and they walked out. He was actually scared of me. This is very exaggerated. What I did wasn't all that bad right?

They're my grandsons, I have to protect them. So I went to where they were sleeping, though only Antonio was there. "You can go in the house if you want... I'm sorry... What I did, and said, was wrong... I just hope Lovino understands that soon..." "I haven't helped. I'll go inside. And see what I can do. Uhhh, sir, why is Lovino like how he is?" What? I invited him inside to try to explain whatever it was he was talking about.

"What is it you wanted to know about Lovino?" "He's really overprotective over Feli, why?" "I'm not too sure, probably a brother thing? He always has been, always looking out for the clumsy little guy, heh." "Oh, fair enough then... Why is he so angry? I have a lot to catch up on..." "Again, I don't really know, maybe that's a trans or a gay or Lovino thing? He's not too good with emotions. He's either angry, sad, or happy. That's it. Or at least, that's all he ever shows. Maybe minus the happy for that though. He doesn't show his happiness unless he's over the moon!" I laughed at that. It's very rare you see Lovino smile, let alone happy in general. "He was really happy when we went back to school,the first day back. In form. And then at lunch time when we found him too. Though only when we were playing that game. He's confusing, but he's great anyway!" Antonio was just rambling now, it was kinda weird, actually. He clearly likes Lovino, it's kinda obvious. But has Lovino figured it out yet? By the looks of things, no.

Antonio seems okay. I approve, Lovino.

Where is Lovino?
He'll probably come back after a little while, when he figures out I've got his friend. Hopefully.

After about an hour of talking with Antonio, Lovino came back. He sat next to Antonio and did literally nothing else. Just... Silence.

"Hello...?" "What?" "I was just saying hello..." He didn't sound too happy. It was late at night, he probably just needs sleep. "Anyone want anything to eat?" Antonio nodded and Lovino got up and left, with a "going to bed" as he did so. Wait a minute - where's Feli?

"Lovino, where's Feli?" I yelled up the stairs. "Outside, jerk..." Came the reply. Well, looks like I'm gonna have to go find the kid. I went out and called for him. He finally showed up and came inside.

Today has been too chaotic and I hate it. I get Feli to go to bed, then sit back down with Antonio. "Anything else you wanna ask about?" "Why can't my brother be accepting? Why has he got to be homophobic for?" "Maybe he doesn't understand? As he is your guardian, he may believe that he's made a mistake, especially if he's religious. Maybe just tell him that you're not going to change, you'll still be you, you'll just be happier and may bring home a guy instead of a girl. And that gay people can still be religious, I guess it might kinda depend on the religion, I know in Christianity the Bible never said anything against gay people..." "Thanks." "No problem! Are you tired? Feel free to go to bed whenever, do as you would in your own house, noone here minds." I tried to be nice. I messed up enough, I now have to try fix it all. And sadly, tape won't work...

"Hey, Mr. Vargas... I feel I need to tell you something..." "What's up Mr. Formal?" I needed to add in a little bit of funny into the conversation, and I have told him he doesn't have to be so formal. "Uhh, well.." He looked nervous. "I like Lovino... But you can't tell him!! I just need to stop worrying about it y'know?" I smiled at him. "Yeah, I know, it's fine, I won't tell him!" I winked at him before saying "I'm gonna go to bed, I've gotta go out tomorrow..." And leaving the room. I went upstairs and went to bed. I'm sure Antonio will sleep soon...

~End of Chapter 6~

Trans!Romano x Spain (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now