A Burn Mark

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Now this town was a town that would be filled with Mermaids, sirens, dragons and humans alike and that was basic general knowledge for most people so for the prince to keep the real location a secret from the farm boy would prove as a challenge. A challenge the ash-blonde declared for tomorrow.

Soon the teens found the sun setting and Bakugo found a large patch of long grass that would be their best choice for a place to sleep. They got settled in the grass not log after it was mentioned to Midoriya.

"Deku, you go to sleep I'll take first shift."

"ok Kacchan, but wake me up when the moon reaches the middle of the sky"

"Yeah sure whatever Deku"

"Goodnight Kacchan"

"G'night nerd"

In no time Midoriya was fast asleep but the prince noticed he was shivering in his sleep.

"Dam nerd" the older mumbled as he moved around himself ant the smaller to a position he found comfortable. the younger finally stopped shivering and unconsciously relaxed into the new position himself. Agented the princes better judgement he too found himself drifting off to sleep.


Midoriya woke up first and by the gentle golden sunrays hitting his face peacefully. He started to wonder why he was not woken up by the ash-blond but then he realised the position he was laying in. His head on the prince's bare chest and had a heavy arm laced around his waist. His legs were tangled with another pear and he was hugging the prince under him. The cape that usually resides around the taller figure was now draped over both of them as if it was a blanket.

A rose tint found its way to Midoriyas freckled cheeks, but no attempt to move was made. He looked up at the prince who was still asleep. The golden light seemed to fit his face perfectly. The taller looked a lot more peaceful in his slumber, his usual scowl was replaced with a softer expression. The green head unconsciously relaxed agented the older as he placed his ear to the bare chest he was laying on. He listened to the rhymic heartbeat and felt the peaceful rise and fall of the other's lungs inflating ad deflating with air.

The farmboy let his eyes study the ash-blondes features in the new lighting he was exposed to. He let his eyes drift down towards to his neck then slowly went downwards to his shoulder, next they rested on his arm and there as clear as day was a giant burn.

At the sight of the others arm, he was startled causing him to fall backwards off the ash-blonds chest and landed on the harsh dirt ground with an "oof". He quickly sat up and once again looked over to the arm, thoughts seemed to rush into his mind. Had it always been there? Did something attack them in the night while he was asleep? How did it happen?

"Hey Deku, what what are you mumbling about this time?" the prince said in an ashy morning voice.

"I-i" Midoriya took in a deep breath trying to get his thoughts in order to get a proper answer. "Kacchan, what happened to your arm?"

To this question, the elder's eyes widened and he rummaged through his mind trying to find a suitable excuse for this question

"W-well I, um, i-i, well you see, ugg you nerd i-"

He cut himself off realising what he said, for one of the first time in his life, one of the most important times he came up with nothing. He had no excuse, nothing.

"Kacchan?" Midoriya spoke with tears in his eyes. He was not an idiot, a burn that big would have had to be caused by a dragon and not too far off of his burn down village was where they met.

"Deku, i-"


Even though they had only known each other for about a day they had gotten quite close to each other so Midoriya felt betrayed by this.

"How did you get that burn?"

His tone was deadly serious and unfamiliar on his tongue but intimidating none the less. The prince was not used to the other not stuttering.

The prince sighed. It's no as if the was ever going to tell the other of who and what he is but he was planning on doing that once they got to the castle and there was no way for the farm boy to run and it would be in a safe place.

"We need to get moving if we want to get to the town"

Bakugo was trying any way to get any extra time to think of an excuse and since it has been a while since either of them had eaten there mood were very much on edge right now.

"Don't avoid the question!"

"I'm not avoiding it, we need food if we have any chance of getting to the castle, I'll tell you when we get there"

In his head, Bakugo was pleading the younger would fall for his excuse.

Once food was mentioned it was like a flip had been switched in Midoriya's brain and he realised how hungry he really was and that he was probably not being too rational right now.


With that word, they both stood up and started moving in complete silence. The silence was not one of comfort that the had been walking with before, this one was an awkward one ith Midoriya still being mad and Bakugo not wanting to make the situation worse.

By noon they were coming up on the town, by this time Bakugo had come up with the excuse he was going to use but at the first look at the own Midoriyas mood changed to become one of more curious. The outside of the town looks like any other town but as he got closer he saw there were channels running through the town and mermaids were swimming in it, there were even people that were walking around and had scales.

The next thing he saw was one he had not expected, there were dragons flying and lading on the outskirts of town, transforming into humans and then walking in as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. This somewhat scared the farmboy as he had only known the dragons for being cruel, unforgiving creatures but here they looked like normal people.

Upon sight, you could see what race a person was by what the were wearing. The siren and mermaids were wearing shells and different water plants that Midoriya did not know. The humans were wearing clothes that were considered normal to him, but the dragons were wearing something he had not seen before. They all seemed to be wearing more sleeveless types of jackets with longer bagger pants.

The younger turned to the prince with wide eyes.

"W-Why didn't you tell me there would be d-dragon here?"

"I told you it was a town by the beach"

"That d-doesn't answer my question"

"Tsk" the ash-blond begin to explain

" it's a fishing town so dragon and other spices come here to get fish and other sea creatures to eat"

"I thought the merpeople protected the sealife"

"That's like saying humans protect deer, they won't let them go extinct but they still eat them"

"I guess that makes sense"

With that last bit of banter, they stepped inside the town.


1241 words

Sorry for the wait but here it is!! I don't know who did the art but it looks so cool! Anyway hope you have a good rest of your day/night.

thankyou for reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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