It's All Coming Together

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Readers note: In case anyone doesn't already know, "bike" refers to motorcycle, and "biker" refers to the person riding the motorcycle. Okay, enjoy this chapter!

(6 months later...)

The sun was barely above the horizon when Eiji returned to his primary base of operations, or hideout, as the rest of his gang called it. It has been 6 months since Eiji enacted his plan, and now, finally, everything was coming together. He now served as the boss the biker gang that he created: The Jade Riders, (Eiji named it after the color of Ash's eyes). He worked hard these past months, trying to gain members and a reputation for his new gang. Now, he is the boss of the strongest biker gang in New York; he has money, power, and influence. With over fifty strong, loyal bikers, the last stage of Eiji's plan can finally be set in motion.

Eiji pulled into the garage of his hideout, parked his bike, and began walking through the long hallway that led to the main room. It was still early, so Eiji didn't really expect any of his gang to be up yet. He usually woke up early, often as a result of the nightmares he'd been getting, and would ride around the city until the sun came up. This was the third time this week that he couldn't sleep, but he was just relieved that none of the other members found out about it yet. He knew that if they found out, they wouldn't let him go out until they knew he got some rest. His gang respected him deeply, but they cared about him even more. Eiji found that, though he was still their boss, they all treated each other like family. They all laughed together, mourned together, and fought together. They never abandoned each other, and Eiji was proud to call everyone in his gang his friends, but he had to remember why he started all this. Eiji became a gang boss, he learned to fight, he became strong, for Ash. For everyone he ever cared about in America, and now he was ready.

He reaches the end of the hall and opens the door, only to find Blade, his right hand man, waiting for him by his bed. Just by the look on his face, Eiji could tell he knew where he'd been.

"Welcome back, boss."

"Just as respectful as ever I see", Eiji thinks and straightens up. Before Eiji has a chance to reply, Blade speaks again,

"I hope you had a nice ride, because it was the last one you will have in a while." He points to the bed, "Go to sleep. You will need the rest; you can't lead a gang if you can't even keep your head up."

"I can't sleep yet Blade", Eiji replies seriously. "Today's the day. We'll be getting word from Ace and Butch."

Eiji didn't need to explain any further. Blade knew exactly what Eiji was talking about. Eiji was referring to the two members he had sent to find information about Ash's whereabouts, and to find out where his gang disappeared off to. Blade was the only one who knew why Eiji started this gang, so he understood why today was so important to him. He knew Eiji needed to rest, but he also knew that his boss needed this. He needed today to go well. He needed the information that Ace and Butch had gathered, but more than anything, he needed to find the one called Ash. Eiji had told Blade all about Ash; how they met, how they grew close, and how they parted ways. Whenever Eiji talked about Ash, he always called him his best friend, but Blade could tell that this Ash person was more than that to Eiji. Their relationship was something deeper, and when they found Ash, Blade just hoped that he felt the same way about his boss. No matter what, Blade was going to protect his boss, he was going to protect his friend.

"Okay", Blade says finally. "Just make sure you take it easy. Don't make any rash decisions."

This makes Eiji smile, "Okay! Thanks Blade!"

During the next few hours, Eiji sends out the daily patrols and monitors gang activity as Blade watches over him. Then, suddenly, they hear feet pounding up the stairs in their direction. Blade quickly gets in front of Eiji, twin pistols already drawn and aimed at the door. The door swings open and Ace and Butch run in, panting, but with large smiles on their faces until they see Blade's guns aimed at their heads. They immediately throw their hands up in surrender, but before they have a chance to say anything, Eiji runs over to them, excitement plain on his face.

"Did you get it? What did you find?" He asks in anticipation.

Ace speaks up, "hey boss! We found the information you asked for, it's all on this ipad." Butch hands him the ipad, and Eiji thanks them quickly before sitting back on the couch to begin reading through the data his associates gathered.

It's there. It's all there! The information I need to find him! He was at the hospital! Wait, why was he in the hospital? Is he okay?!! It says here he was moved to a different hospital downtown just recently. Maybe he's still there! I need to go there now! I need to find him!

Eiji realized he'd been sitting there quietly now for a while, and Blade was looking at him with concern. Eiji stands up. He's so close now, he can't let all this work go to waste. He is the leader of The Jade Riders. He will lead his gang, he will show no weakness, and he will get Ash back. He looks at the men standing in the room. They are all watching him. Waiting for his orders, just like Ash's gang did for Ash. Eiji looks at them with fire in his eyes.

"Call in the rest of the gang", he says. "We're going for a ride."

Hey guys! Sorry for the long chapter! I wasn't originally going to end the chapter like this, but when I got to the end, I realized things worked out really well, and this made a great cliff hanger. Hope you like this fanfic so far, and wait till next week to find out what happens next! Thanks!

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