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"Eiji...?! Ash whispered.

Eiji smiled.

"I'm glad he remembers me", he thought.

Before Eiji could open his mouth again, Ash suddenly jumps over the table, and closes the distance between them, engulfing Eiji in a bear hug. The right hand guy instinctively reaches for his gun, but Eiji holds up a hand signaling that it was okay. Ash holds tightly to Eiji, as if afraid that if he let go, Eiji would disappear again. Tears swelled in Ash's eyes.

"God, I missed you," he said.

Eiji ruffles Ash' hair, and sits there, calming Ash down. When Ash relaxes, he sits up and looks at Eiji's features. Eiji still looked more or less the same; dark eyes, jet black hair, lithe body, but Ash noticed that he seemed slightly more muscular than when he had last seen him. He also had his hair slicked back, and was head to toe dressed in leather. That's when reality hit him,

"Eiji is the leader of this biker gang, he's the boss of The Jade Riders!"

Ash looks up at Eiji, eyes widening at the realization. He opens his mouth to talk to him, and ask what is going on, but then gun shots are heard from down the hall. Eiji quickly looks up, eyes narrowing, and orders the gang members to intercept. He turns to me and tells me to stay there, saying he would be back soon, and runs out of the room and down the hall.

"I have to get down there! I have to protect him," I think.

As I rush down the hall, I hear the sounds of more gunshots, and weapons clashing against each other. I begin to run faster, fearing the worst, but when I reach the cite of the fighting, I am awe stricken at what I see.

The crumpled bodies of random thugs cluttered the ground, and in the center of it, stood Eiji. He stood leaning up against the wall, looking straight ahead and giving orders like it was second nature to him. One hand was in his pocket, and the other was holding a large metal staff, covered in blood. He turns to look at me, and even through the gory scene in front of me, I could still see the only person I could ever let my guard down around. I could still see Eiji, the kind, caring Eiji I've always known. I smiled at him. Even if he is the head of a gang, nothing will ever change between us. When he see's my smile, he grins back at me, and it's that carefree, happy grin that puts me at ease.

Suddenly, Ash's grin turns to a mischievous one.

"Guess I don't have to protect you anymore, onii-san;)"


Sorry for the short chapter; I thought this was a decent place to stop. So, I'm not really sure if I should continue this story because I feel like there's only a few other things I could do with it. So, if you're reading this story, and you like it and want more, pls let me know so I can think of other things I can add to it. Thanks for the views and feel free to leave comments for complements and/or constructive criticism. Thanks again!

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