Chapter 3: Fight

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Kylie's POV:

I sat at the bar alone scanning the room until I found the team. I quickly turned around to face away from them. It was now or never. I can't back out now. I took a deep breath and turned around, but I bumped into something hard.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." I slowly said as I looked up.

Sergio Ramos from Real Madrid was standing right in front of me. And that hard thing I bumped into was his chest. What was he doing here?

"Hey, it's no big deal," he said with his Spanish accent.

I was now thankful my parents were from Colombia. I spoke Spanish fluently and could actually have a conversation with Sergio.

"I really am sorry. Is there something I can do to make it up to you?"

"You can let me buy you a drink. What's your name, beautiful?"

"'s Kylie," I said blushing.

Was Sergio Ramos trying to flirt with me? I don't think I'll be able to keep this conversation going. NO! What am I saying? I can't date a Madrid player if I'm a Barça fan.

"Well Kylie, nice to meet you. I'm Sergio Ramos," he said smiling.

"Yeah. I've seen you play before. I watched the game earlier," I said smartly.

"Oh yeah? Are you a Madrid fan?" he asked curiously.

"Um...sadly no. I've been a Barça fan since I was six. Sorry to disappoint you," I said shyly.

"Mmm. I see you like the rival team. Hey no worries. I like a girl who likes anything that I don't," he said smirking.


It had been an hour and Sergio had about 7 drinks. He was completely drunk and I couldn't leave him to go talk to the Barça team.

"You know? You are the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he slurred.

"Thank you. Um... don't you think that you should go back with your team? I think they might be looking for you," I said nervously.

"No no no...shhh shhh," he laughed.

"Sergio. You're completely drunk. I think one of your teammates should take you home," I said.

"No no! It's fine. I'm completely fine. See?" he said, " You're really pretty and I wanna kiss you."

Before I could react, he crashed his lips onto mine. They tasted like tequila, and I hated it. He had a strong grip on my waist, and I couldn't get him off me. I kept shaking my head from side to side as he tried to kiss me. Then, I felt someone push Sergio off me.

"Let go of her Ramos!"

I looked over to my left and Neymar was the one that pushed him off me. Neymar freaking Junior. Was he watching us the whole time?

"Neymar Neymar! What's your problem buddy? I was just kissing my girlfriend," Sergio said confused.

He pulled his arm around me, but Neymar pulled him to the side.

"She is not your girlfriend Sergio. You're completely drunk. Let's go. Cris is gonna take you home," Neymar said.

I was just saved by Neymar. Neymar da Silva Santos Junior. My favorite Barça player. I saw Sav running towards me with a worried look on her face?

"What happened?" She asked.

"Sergio Ramos happened. He was talking with me, and he had too many drinks. He tried to kiss me but Neymar pulled him off me," I replied.

"Sergio Ramos? Neymar? Aren't they both soccer players and aren't they on opposite teams?"

"Yes. But that doesn't matter. Neymar helped me. He didn't even know me, and he helped me. Sav. A FC Barcelona player just helped me," I said still in shock.

"Now you definitely have to go talk to them. Go over there and talk with your team," Sav urged.

I looked over to where they were sitting and Neymar was arriving at the table again. He glanced at me again and smiled. He waved me over, and I looked behind me to make sure that he wasn't talking to anyone else. When I met his eyes again, he was laughing and he was still waiting for me to come over. I looked at Sav.

"Go! Now!" She scolded.

I started to walk over to their table and I saw the entire team. My palms started to sweat. I walked over to where Neymar was sitting.

"Hi. What's your name?" he asked in Portuguese.

I know remembered that when he pushed Sergio, he spoke in Portuguese.

"Hi. I'm Kylie. And what's your name?" I asked.

Then I realized what I asked. I always asked stupid questions when I was nervous.

"Never mind. Don't answer that. I know who you are," I said quickly.

"You do? Do you like soccer?"

"Do I like soccer? Oh man. I love soccer. I actually play back home," I said.

"Where do you live?"

"I live in California. Los Angeles to be specific."

"Are you here for a week or something?"

"I'm here for a month. I'm with my friend Savannah. She was the girl over there that was just with me."

"Why don't you invite her over?"

I looked back at the bar and saw how Sav was flirting with some random guy at the bar.

"Uh. I don't know if she'll want to come. She looks a little busy," I chuckled.

"I agree."

"Hey I wanted to say thank you. For what you did for me over there," I said shyly.

"No problem. I was watching you two. I know what Sergio is like. I didn't want him to hurt you," he said.

"Well I really appreciate it. I was very kind of you."

"Hey Junior! Who's the pretty lady?"

I turned around and saw Marc, Gerard, and Leo were walking over to where we were seated. Marc had asked the question, and he was smirking.

"Her name's Kylie. Kylie meet..."

"Gerard, Marc, and Leo. I am a huge fan," I interrupted.

"Well thank you. Do you like soccer?" Leo asked.

"I love the sport. I play it. Great job today! You guys were amazing!" I gushed.

"Well thank you! So glad you enjoy the sport! We came to party! Do you wanna join us?" Marc asked.

"Sure! A little party never hurt anybody!" I replied.

(A/N: How did you like this chapter? I worked a little harder to make this longer! So sorry that I haven't posted in two days. I've been a bit busy with school and stuff but I'm writing just for you guys! Wasn't Ney just adorable? Next chapter will be up soon! I also added a picture of what her outfit looked like. Xoxo! )

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