➱ Chapter 2

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Arc - New People, and someone's reaction

It was currently a few days later, and I was going to have a practice Match with the other first years trying to get on the team. I saw the two, there is a Saltysaurus and a Freckled Boy. Saltysaurus's actually name is Kei Tsukishima, and the other kid's name is Tadashi Yamaguchi.
Current times, I had become good friends with Yachi. She is a very nice girl, and she said I was smart...
I personally think I'm quite more on the stupider side. But let the girl think the way she wants to. It was lunchtime and I decided to go get something from the vending machine on the first floor near the gym.

I'm Also questioning how Kageyama and Hinata got kicked out of the gym. They were told by Dachi-Senpai to clean up their act. They were kinda pissed that they had to become something you called 'friends'.

But happy to say that I actually made a friend, I hope she doesn't ignore me once I tell her about my sexuality... Anyway, what should I get? Oh, strawberry milk sounds good! {I fropping love strawberry milk bro, it's delicious.- Author-Nim}

I insert my coins, and push the button for strawberry milk. For some reason I feel eyes on me. I then turn to my side to see the one and only blueberry I know. Kageyama. "Is there something that you need Kageyama-Chan?" I ask.

He seems to scratch the back of his head, then saying.

"U-um, Sukhoi-Chan can you help me with my serves...!?" I stand there shocked, by the sudden outburst of the blueberry. "Sure, I guess..." I myself am still kinda awkward with everyone on the team. Or let's so future members. "Thank you Sukhoi-Chan." He says. I just nod at him.

I scratch the back of my head wondering what I should teach him first, maybe some ways to improve his spikes. And not make them feel too overpowered but still strong... That's what I will do.

I grab my strawberry milk knowing that I now have to wait awhile to drink it. "Do you have a ball, because I can go grab on-" My sentence was cut off by Kageyama randomly pulling out a volleyball. "No need Sukhoi-Chan." He says. "You can drop the honorifics, I feel uncomfortable with being addressed with them." He just nods and he understood what I meant, thank goodness.

"Can I see the ball Kageyama?" I ask him, he nods handing me the ball. I scratch the back of my head wondering what I should help him with. Oh, now I know. "Well one thing is when I saw you serving before, you added too much power. Being that you are a setter as well, you can't add too much force because your tosses and spikes as well may seem overpowered. And not adjusting to your teammates, own ability..." All I do is state the obvious to Kageyama. I flinch away the sound of the bell, "Well you heard that, bye Kageyama~" I say. "Bye Sukhoi, and t-t-thanks for the advice. " He stutters on the word thanks.

A bright smile appears on my face due to the way he said it, a smal bit of blush makes it to the boys face. I then walk away "Cute Volleyball Dork..." Then opening my strawberry milk I place the straw in and start to drink.

I then make it to make class, and a few minutes before the teacher came. Walking over to my seat I wave to Yachi, who is currently doodling on her physics text book. "Yachi, what are you doing?" I ask as a take a seat. She flinched at my words. "Oh Buddha, what did I do this ti- Oh hi Sukhoi...!" She covers her mouth flustered due to what she had said, "Oh I'm just drawing." I show her a smile.

She puts a hand over her heart like she's been shot. "That smile of yours is contagious, you know?" She states. I let out a small giggle, "Oh, then I guess you haven't seen Chibi-Chan's Smile..." I let out a small smile. "Hm, that speaks a question in my mind now." I tilt my head, "What gender are you attracted to?" She asks. "Well I'm into guys..." I close my eyes bracing for impact, waiting for her next words. Looking up back at Yachi, she has a big smile on her face "That's so cool Sukhoi ~!"

Hearing those words a whole new world had opened up.
She doesn't think I'm disgusting?
She thinks it's cool?
I shine the biggest smile, I possibly can. "You're the first one who has said that is cool." I say.
"I think I was just blinded, and anyway Of course it's cool. You're making your person, your own." She says. I get up and squat down a little to hug her.

" Thanks Yachi. "
She hugs me back, and says "Your welcome ~"

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