➱ Chapter 9

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Arc - Jerseys, the team's reaction

He peacefully sat in class fidgeting with his pencil. Him and his class were in the middle of a test but he had already finished, and needed to wait for his teacher to collect his paper.

While he was waiting he had put his head onto his hands, trying to put himself into a more comfortable position. "Mr. Sukhoi are trying to fall asleep in my class when you have a long quiz to finish?!" Their teacher yelled.

He let out a nimble sigh. "No Mrs. Furukawa I have already finished my quiz so I decided to rest my head a little." Sukhoi stated softly due to him being a bit tired.

Mrs. Furukawa cursed under her breath. "I thought I finally had a reason to scold you..." She mumbled angrily. Even though everyone was still trying to finish their long quiz, they all let out a small giggle.

Mrs. Furukawa glared at everyone, giving them a reason to giggle even louder. "Just stay quiet all of you!" She yelled.

After a couple more minutes, Mrs. Furukawa came around to collect everyone's quizzes. "Everyone is dismissed, you'll get your quiz back tomorrow!" She once again yelled, dismissing everybody from her classroom.

Sukhoi grabbed his bag placing all of his stuff inside. Then getting up, "Bye Hitoka~" He waved at his blonde friend. "B-bye Tenshi-San..." Yachi stuttered a bit, still answering to her friend.

Sukhoi giggled softly, then leaving the classroom and making his way towards the boys club room so he can get changed.

Once he made it to the room he had changed. When he finished changing, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima had walked in. "Hey Slatyshima & Yams." Sukhoi greeted.

Tsukishima snickered at him, and Yamaguchi gave him a small wave.
Sukhoi then made his way out of the club room, and went towards the gym.

He then entered the gym, starting with his practice. While Sukhoi was practicing the rest of the team started to flood in. Daichi then yelled, "Everybody huddled up!" Doing as their captain said everybody huddled up.

As soon as we all huddled up Kiyoko walked into the gym with a box. Daichi turned over to her, "Are they ready?" He asked. Kiyoko gave him a small nod, opening the box.

"Everyone's Jerseys have came back from the cleaners." Kiyoko stated, starting to hand everyone's Jersey to them. Once Sukhoi got his, he smiled softly. "Hm I got my lucky number..." He mumbled quietly.

"Eh! How does Sukhoi have such a low number, and Kageyama has a higher one! This doesn't make sense!" Hinata yelled.

Kageyama was about to yell back at Hinata, until he heard Sukhoi let out a giggle. "Hinata you know that was the same number your hero had? Anyway I think Kageyama is a great player, so he deserves the high number." Sukhoi said, Smiling sweetly at the shrimp.

Hinata's eyes sparkled at what Sukhoi said, instantly putting on his Jersey. Sukhoi put on his as well, it fitted perfectly. When putting on the shirt it messed up the bun Sukhoi had his hair in.

Sukhoi pouted angrily, which was a new look the team had never seen on their red headed wing spiker. Sukhoi had then taken off the hair tie, trying to re-tie his hair.

Which resulted in failure. He then looked around at everyone in to see who'd probably know how to tie hair, Sukhoi then instantly thought about Kiyoko.

The wing spiker then made his way over to their teams manager. "Um Kiyoko-San do you mind tying my hair for me?" He asked her. "Oh sure." Kiyoko said, Sukhoi handed her his hair tie.

Sukhoi then squatted down so Kiyoko could properly tie up his hair. Kiyoko put his hair into a man bun. "There you go Sukhoi-Kun." Kiyoko said, "Ah thank you Kiyoko-San." Sukhoi thanked the girl, him now standing properly.

Sukhoi then gave the manger a smile, causing her to blush lightly. (Because Tenshi holds the ability of doing gods work-) As Tanaka watched the scene he fumed up, "What do you think you're doing, making Kiyoko blush huh!?" Tanaka yelled at the boy.

"It was just a thank you smile Tanaka..." Sukhoi deadpanned. "Do you like Kiyoko?" Tanaka asked out of raw curiosity. "I'm not interested in the opposite sex." He said blankly.

"So you're like, gay?" Tanaka exasperated, almost making it sound like a insult. "I-Is that a bad thing...?" He asked softly, he almost felt like crying on spot. His eyes even teared up a bit.

"Ah! N-No it's not a bad thing! Please don't cry!" Tanaka heaped. This causing the 3rd year setter to walk over to the boy, and embrace him in a hug.

"Why are you so scared Sukhoi?" Sugawara asked, trying to calm down the red head.

"W-When I was in Junior high my team used to neglect me for my sexual orientation. During that time period I also lost my father. So I feel like if more people were to find out it'll only bring bad things..." Sukhoi almost mumbled, finally breaking out in tears.

While Sugawara was trying to comfort Sukhoi, sadness was visible on all the members faces. Sugawara also slightly glared at Tanaka, Tanaka flinched mumbling "Suga-San is scary when he's angry..."

Sugawara placed the 1st year on the only bench in the gym. Sukhoi rubbed his eyes harshly, trying to get rid of his tears.

Hinata walked over to Sukhoi, giving him a big hug. "We're not bad guys like you're other team Sukhoi-Chan, and I think it makes you even cooler!" Hinata said happily, a bit of sadness still prominent in his voice.

Almost as a reflex Sukhoi hugged Hinata back, nuzzling his face into his neck. "Thank you Hinata..." Sukhoi mumbled into his neck, causing the other 1st year to blush.

Sukhoi removed his face from Hinata's neck, now looking at the rest of the team. "Thank you everyone... I'm glad you guys accept me, I hope this doesn't change anything!" He stated showing everyone a genuine smile.

A genuine smile he hadn't been able to show for years, finally its made appearance. "Thank you for saying that..." Sukhoi said softly to Hinata, ruffling the boys hair.

"Your welcome Sukhoi!" Hinata said, smiling at Sukhoi. Sukhoi returned the smile.

As an occurrence to the team, it looked like two suns Smiling at each other. It was a nice sight to see, even though it could probably blind anyone that saw it.

A/N -
This is probably the longest chapter yet, I'm proud of it 😊
And anyway thank you all for 14.6k reads, it means a lot.
I hope you all continue to enjoy my story and all the chapters to come~!

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