➫ 1k Special

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"Is the restaurant we're going to good?" I asked while looking at my teammates. "Yeah, it had a 5-star rating!" Nishinoya and Hinata screamed excitedly. I sigh at their loudness and just give a nod.

"Ennoshita you've been to the restaurant before, right?" I ask, remembering he had mentioned it before. He had then given me a small nod. We all continue to walk as a whole.

After getting on a train, and doing all of the needed things we arrived at the restaurant. It was a BBQ place. As we were about to walk into the restaurant, I heard a high pitch scream. I mentally sighed knowing who it was.

"Tenshi~" The voice cooed in my ear, as they hugged me. All of Karasuno looked at me shocked and also at the other people in front of them.

"Why do you always hug me out of nowhere Toru?" I then see Kageyama look really surprised, Oikawa seems to notice him as well.

"Hey, Tobio-Chan." He said in a less excited tone of voice. Then noticing the two setters glaring at each other, I hit Oikawa in the head, seeing him tear up made me laugh a little. I walk over to Kageyama and put my hand on his shoulders pushing him inside.

"I guess Seijoh is eating here as well." I mumble, "It seems like the lamppost has friends." Tsukishima snickers, I just ignore him as the team makes their way over to a table.

We all sit down, I sit in between Kageyama and Hinata, ironically I guess. I sit quietly as the two parents of the team order food.

After some time the food had finally arrived. All the meat had been placed onto the grill in the middle of the table.

While the meat was being grilled, I peacefully drank my water.

Then grabbing my chopsticks, I take a few pieces of meat placing them onto my plate.

I then start to eat some of my rice. As I was eating I noticed that Hinata had placed a piece of meat on my plate.

"Thanks, Hinata." I shine a smile towards the boy, and blush makes its way to Hinata's cheeks.

A small giggle made its way out of my mouth. As I was about to eat some pieces of meat, Kageyama had placed a piece of meat onto my plate.

"Thanks Kags." I shine a smile towards him as well. He gets flustered, as I once try to eat my meat. I see Hinata glare at Kageyama.

A cold sweat runs down my neck as I realize what's about to happen. I lean back in my seat a little and give a worried sigh.

As I had sighed more and more meats made it's way to my plate. I started to get annoyed. After at least one minute, I grab both of their pairs of chopsticks and put meat in their mouths.

A sickly smile made it's way to my mouth, "Kageyama you need to eat more meat to gain muscle, Hinata you need eat more to grow taller. And. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Gain. Weight. And. Eat. Like. I'm. Some. Pig."

Cold sweat made it's way down everyone's back.

The duo slowly took back their chopsticks and took pieces of meat off of my plate.

I look up annoyed, to see Tanaka and Nishinoya in a laughing fit. While Tsukishima snickers, and Yamaguchi lets out a little giggle.

"This is why I stopped talking to people at one point..." I mumble, with a tick mark making it's way to my forehead.

"Um Sukhoi, Would you like some vegetables?" I hear Sugawara ask me. "Yes please." Sugawara hands me a small bowl of such vegetables, and I thank him.

I then peacefully eat as Hinata and Kageyama seem to be scared in some sort of way. While I was eating, I felt that someone was staring at me.

As I look up, I turn my head around to see Oikawa looking.

"Is there something you need Toru?" I ask him noticing. "I'm just worried that Chibi-Chan and Tobio-Chan will make you mad again. So I'm keeping watch." He states.

"You look like a stalker." Hanamaki stated. "Yeah a real creep." Matsukawa added.

"Thank you for stating the obvious Issei & Takahiro-Senpai." I say, looking over to see Oikawa dejected.

"I'm going to eat my food in peace now. Don't stare at me Toru." Saying it to the 3rd year made him even more sad. "You don't even call me senpai..."

"It's because you're disgusting now let Sukhoi eat." Iwazumi says, hitting Oikawa in the head. I laugh as I turn around to continue eating.

"How do you know the grand king Sukhoi?" I hear Hinata ask. "That is a story for a different time..." I mumble, as I remember how chaotic it was.

"But I'm really curious." I hear Hinata say, "Me too." Kageyama adds.

"My Tenshi was a really cute 3rd year in Junior high, he was even shorter than me." I hear Oikawa. "But I was still taller than you when you were in Junior high, so fuck off."

I hear many gasps, "Good one Sukhoi!" I hear Tanaka cackle. "And Tanaka your voice is too loud tone down a bit." I say causing Tanaka to stop laughing.

"What you say, damn it?!" He asked, "I told you to tone down a bit you're being too loud." I say in a more rhetorical tone of voice.

Cold sweat made its way down everyone's backs once again.

A/N -

I'm totally straight for Tanaka anyway because S4 art style made him look more like a cute ass bby

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I'm totally straight for Tanaka anyway because S4 art style made him look more like a cute ass bby. So no offense.

Hoped you enjoyed the 1k special fucktards, if not I'm sending hurricane Tortilla for your hoe ass. (Jk Jk unless-)

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