Chapter: 2 The Room And The Deal

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Sorry if this chapters gonna be a short chapter between Y/N and the man with grey hair (we all know who he is).

Y/N's Pov

Oh, god, was I really just kidnapped by that man? Well, it doesn't matter right now, seeing as it's already happened. 'Now I just wait'.
The door opened as soon as I thought that, with the grey-haired man and a blonde-haired woman coming in.
"I assume you know who I am?" The grey-haired man said. I was thinking 'Is this man someone super famous, or a criminal boss?'
"I am sorry, good sir, but I do not know who you are nor the blonde woman, I am sorry if I am being rude," I responded with which the woman looked like she was ready to kill me at ANY second for not knowing who the man was, but the man looked like he had just hit the jackpot, I assume that's how the saying goes.

Ozpin POV

This man, does he really not know who I am? Well, I guess I have to tell him something so he won't run away. Seeing as how he's an unknown person, he should be on maximum security.
But before I had even opened my mouth, he asked me, "Do you know the time, good sir? Because if I am right, it should be something like 5 am in the morning." I looked down at my watch and saw he was right, he then smiled and acted surprised as well, though he didn't put much into the act. Glynda looked bewildered on how he had known, though I guess the only way of knowing is too ask.
"How did you know that?" I asked, much to his confusion? Why is he confused?


I can feel it, I'm getting into his head and he can't stop me. If he's a criminal boss, there's no way in hell this should work. 'So, he's super famous? Well, I guess I can guess or make him mad.'
"So, who's the woman? Your wife? Your henchman? Orrrrrrrrrr, is she your mother? Pardon my rudeness." At this point I can see him trying to answer my questions, before I ask another one, but before I could open my mouth I noticed the woman who looked like a tomato, if it could be a darker shade and she looked like she would kill me if I said another word about this matter,so I didn't.

Ozpin POV

He's in my head, as well as Glynda's. He looks so satisfied with his remark, but I know Glynda will kill him, so I say something, "No, no, nothing like that, she's my assistant Glynda Goodwitch. And I am the Headmaster of Beacon Academy, Professor Ozpin." He looked at me seeing that he had lost all of the ground he had covered with me, but Glynda? He could say a word and she'd snap.
"So, Ozpin, seeing as you're not a criminal boss-" I feel my expression change into a frown and he clearly noticed"- but a Headmaster of a school I have heard nothing about I assume that you brought me here with something to say. So say it! Sorry, pardon my rudeness."


'DAMN THIS MAN!' I thought, but never showed anything other than a sly smile on my face. I could feel myself falling into one of the ground that I had built up with these two, but thankfully, I'm still on top with my foot firmly into the other ground.
Then I decided to hear this man's deal, as he didn't come to check-up on his ever so, loving kidnapé.
"I want you to attend my school," he said. While I was ready with other things, THIS wasn't one of them and he could tell. I felt my foothold go away even more, but there are still some things that I don't want to say nor admit.
"If you wouldn't mind me asking: What's the catch?" I ask, because everything has a catch on it. Well, except some fishing rods. I bet someone out in the world owns a fishing rod that hasn't caught a single fish, "The catch is that you will take orders from me, Glynda and General Ironwood."

Ozpin POV

I gave him a good deal, it's up to him to decide to take it or leave it. He's probably going to add some catches of his own. However, I didn't expect THAT to be his catch of the deal.
"A few things I want settle. One: No sexual stuff is to be ordered to me-" He says while looking straight at Glynda"- Two! I will have one 'Not doing it' card, where I use it once for the three of you. And three! I get to leave school whenever I want. That's it. If you agrees with those three, than I shall agree with yours."
"Those conditions are stupid, plus you aren't the one with the power here!" Glynda spoke up. However, I disagree. He has a lot of power over us even without those conditions.
"Glynda, can you please, sit down? Can you elaborate on this 'Not doing it' card?


Oh, wouldn't he like to know, but I'll still answer, "The 'Not doing it' card, is where I can use it only once each on the three of you. Once I have used it on a command that you give me, the other two are NOT allowed to 'ask' me to do it or give me the same command unless if it's something I am already doing. But if I use it, that command can never be repeated to me unless if I want to do it." I say while standing up from my chair and walk around while explaining my 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card.
"Fine. I shall agree with those terms."
"Then I shall agree with yours." I go to his ear and whisper, "I still have my foothold on her." Then walked out the door heading to this 'bullhead' that's supposed to take students into Beacon.

Ozpin POV

"I know." I mumble quietly not wanting to gain Glynda's attention with his words.

I didn't realise that I would of made it this long, but hey it's a chapter. Oh, BTW I'm just gonna release chapters when I make them and this could take a week or ten minutes.

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