Chapter: 15 The Second Command

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After I jumped off, I landed on the ground 'dead'. I didn't wake up until I was in a coffin, under the ground.
"Jack, how do I get out of here?" I ask Jack because I don't want to just punch my way out, but I will if necessary. 
"You're not going to like it. You need to punch your way out." I facepalm about why that was the only way to get out. Hopefully, my sister has been arrested and my internal clock says it's about 3 am. I eventually punch my way out, the time now being 4:30 am. I placed down one of my playing cards, then walked away to Ozpin's tower. Once I got up there Ozpin looked like he was waiting for someone. I walked towards him and asked, "What is the second command you are going to give me?" He jumped at my voice, looking as if he's seen a ghost.
"Do you have the ring? Hopefully, you didn't put it on." I grinned at that last part, saying all I needed to say. "You put it on!? I said to bring it to me!"
"Oh, but I did bring it to you, you just get another package that you didn't ask for." I say while showing him the ring.
"So, which ring is it?"
I looked offended and Jack felt the same way, "I'm sorry, did you just call Jack a 'ring'? He's Jack, of all the answers, not the ring of knowledge or anything." I then move Jack away from Ozpin, and Ozpin sighs.
"I'm sorry, it has a name? What power does this 'Jack' have?" He says. Wow, I basically just told him and he wants another answer.
"He can tell me anything I want to know, I just have to ask him and I am the only person that can hear him." I tell him.

Ozpin sighs and says, "Your second command is to find General Ironwood and listen to his commands." Now that's someone new. I would probably have to do it at some point, sure, but not now.
"Later, I gotta catch up with my team." I say while walking to the elevator. "Man, the Endless Heroes' leader is right in front of me!" I say that last bit just loud enough so that he could hear me, before the elevator closes.

Ozpin POV

That last bit froze me. I regained my composure a couple of minutes later and call Ironwood, "General Ironwood, you can have fun with Y/N." He looks stunned and happy at what I just said.
"Are you sure? Don't you need him or something for a later plan? Or does he know?" Of course he's happy, but he also knew I wouldn't've said that without a reason.
"He knows about the Endless Heroes. Need I remind you, if anyone says the name they must be dealt with, either by torture or death." He's about to squeal like a pig out of happiness. I smile at his happiness and end the call.


Seeing as how I'm just about to go into my dorm room, I hear chattering inside. I open the door and hear what the conversation was about. To my surprise they were going to kill Olivia or planning to. I tap once loudly on the door and they look at me. "What? Aren't you going to change the topic?" I smiled at that and they gained a smile, but started crying. Not loudly crying, but they were crying.
"You crazy bastard. How'd you live?" Dan asks while tears were still on his face. "And what power did that ring actually have?"
"Jack gives knowledge to only me. I did make a deal with the devil to get into this school, the devil being Ozpin." I say and they all stopped.
Cole was the first to ask the question, "What was the deal?" I don't mind telling these guys.
"I have to do what General Ironwood, Glynda Goodwitch and Ozpin say, unless I use a 'Not Doing It' card. I will not tell you about that. Currently, I have to go find this Metaldick and listen to his commands." They laugh at Metaldick.
"But what about us? What are we going to do without you? What if you die while finding Ironwood?" Lapis says with fear clear on her face.
I ruffle her hair and say, "I can't die as long as I'm angry,M'lady. Oh, don't tell anyone about me being alive."

We spent some time just talking about things, until we hear a knock on the door. I hide in the closet and watch the person enter. "I am General Ironwood and I have been given permission to take Y/N away from the school." Phrasing. Such a grand thing, that this idiot doesn't know. It sounds like he's arresting me. "Have any of you seen him?"
"No, I don't think we have. We've just been helping each other get through these tough times, seeing as Y/N is dead." Cole says and damn, that is some good acting. Almost fooled me. I heard some tapping from Dan, which was .-..-. ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / --- ..-. ..-. / -- . - .- .-.. -.. .. -.-. -.- --..-- / .-- . / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... . .-. . / .... . / .. ... .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / -. --- - / --. --- .. -. --. / - --- / .-.. . .- .-. -. / - .... .-. --- ..- --. .... / ..- ... .-..-. or "Fuck off Metaldick, we know where he is. You're not going to learn through us." In Morse code.
"I see, well thank you for letting me ask about him." He says while walking out.
"So, that's Metaldick. Damn, I hate him and we haven't even talked yet." I say while coming out of the closet.
"Apparently, he also does creepy experiments on criminals. Since you can't die and he most likely knows this, he's going to do worse experiments on you." Lapis said while going back into crying.
"Hey, stop that!" They look at me. "Don't cry for me! I'm going to be perfectly fine! And hey, not like I'm leaving for the land of the dead soon." They all go to hug me and I hug back, "I'm going to miss you guys', but I have to do this. Even if I die a couple of times, I'm not going to die." I say with a serious face.
"We understand, be careful." Cole says to me.
"Sure, little bro," I say to Cole ruffling his hair, "and big sis', I will see you again. Dan, my best friend... take care of them." I continue mentioning them like a family and a good friend would.
"Of course, what good will I be if I can't do that?"

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