Chapter: 3 Beacon

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So, I eventually found the 'bullhead' and was nervous as hell, seeing as this is my first time inside one these things and what's worse is there's a lot of other people. I see a blonde-haired boy who looked sicker than me. I really want to go talk with him, but he's in a group of people, and not a small one, but a large one. So I just quietly stood holding onto a rail, while begging Oum that we don't fall.

I then hear someone shouting about not wanting to be the bee's knee's? Like, that sounds confusing so I shall not listen in as that would be ungentleman-like and I would rather hold onto the rail for Dear Oum, than do that. I then see a newscast, at least I think that is what it is called, about the robbery last night and showed me... walking away from the broken shop. Oh no, I think some people see me and me from the news walking away from a 'Hushed Ozpin,' as calm as could be. But it cut before the kidnapping happened, though I did see a very suspicious van.
Then I hear a sound like a 'Whoosh' that went by super fast and then came back to in front of me. I then saw a little girl who wore a black skirt with red at the bottom and wore a red hood with black hair with red highlights at the end.
"Hello! You were that guy that was at the shop that day. What were you doing, scoping it out for your boss?" She says while making binoculars with her hands and looking left and right with it.
"N-no, I-I was th-there t-to b-b-buy a weapon wh-"
"Likely story, criminal! If you really were there to buy a weapon, then why did the shopkeeper say you stole something?"
"I really didn't. Wanna see the weapon I bought there?" I then pull out my butterfly knife, which I learned to do cool tricks with.

When suddenly, I heard a "YOU PULLED A KNIFE ON MY SISTER?!?!?!" Then I felt a punch, flew OUT a window that I broke, but not before hating Ozpin, like I would kill him if I saw him again. I hit the ground so hard that I should've just died then, but I lived.
I kept yelling, "I'LL KILL YOU OZPIN!!!" Over and over again. I got up with a little effort and started walking to Beacon Academy, where I was promised a NICE and COMFORTABLE place to sleep. So I damn hope I get that, or I will break something and that's a promise.

Timeskip to when he gets there and the welcoming speech is already done

"Motherfuckin' bastard, inviting ME to his school, while most likely knowing something would've happened," I finished my rant still pissed the fuck off thinking he knew that this would happen. When I saw that no one was around, I got confused and just started checking places, whilst growing a mental map of where everything was.

Ruby POV

Oh, no. I still can't believe Yang probably killed someone from how he just had a knife out, while doing cool tricks and then the accident with the dust happened. If that guy was still alive, then he must be somewhere around here. Then I heard someone was stomping through the courtyard outside and he slammed open the door shocking me, and anyone else that was nearby. But the person that went through the door probably made me more shocked than when I had uncle Qrow taught me how to use a scythe.


So, I entered what looked like to be a ballroom, thinking ' Why the hell is there a ballroom? Isn't this a school for huntsmen, not dancers?' and then I saw everyone in the school, minus teachers, looking at me, or more specifically, my chest. I looked down and thought, ' Wow, how did I not notice it?' before I collapsed onto the hard, hard floor. But my hatred for Ozpin wasn't going to die after death.

I woke up in a medical bay, "This is reasonable," I muttered before feeling an immense pain through my gut. I looked down seeing the cover in blood, most likely mine. I better fucking get an apology from that person that punched me and this bed ain't comfortable nor nice. Guess it's breaking time. I got up, although there was immense pain it dissipated enough to where I could barely feel it. I went my way to Ozpin's office, seeing no one was in there I broke one of his mugs. Feeling satisfied, I went to find the person that punched me. Seeing as how everyone was at the ballroom, I went there to see everyone asleep. I then looked at the sky noticing how it was dark. 'How didn't I notice it was dark?' I felt really stupid.
I then heard, "What are you doing up so late?" from a blonde-haired girl who seemed vaguely familiar. 
I squinted and asked, "Have we met before? Because I feel like I reeeeeeeeally want to punch you."
"Well, that's not nice."
"I am very sorry, that I have said that to you. I hope that you forgive me." I said while bowing. "But I must get to sleep, or else I won't be good enough to participate for the initiation, whatever that may be."

I then went to go find an area where I could sleep and I found one on a perfectly good iron beam, up here. 'How has no one taken this spot yet?' I didn't notice how many people were awake staring wide-eyed at me getting up here and I couldn't care less. As I fall to sleep, I could mention someone saying, "Get a ladder!"

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