<Normal Day>

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                                                                                             Patton's P.O.V

    "Ok c'mon it stop making this a big dill," I said smirking to my intellectual friend. He narrows his eyes as he pushes me off the park bench.

    "Stop. Making. Dad. Jokes," he glares daggers into my eyes, as I'm on the floor laughing.

    "You have to admit his puns are pretty funny Robert Brownie Jr." My tall fanciful friend snickered.

    "I'm going to lea-" Logan gets cut off by a girl looking about our age walking briskly past us. She's breathing heavily and stumbling as she falls to the ground dropping her belongings. Roman races to catch her as I pick up her things.

    "Hey can you hear me?" Roman asks as he's holding the woman trying his best to give her some air. She looks injured. She has a large bruise on her left cheek, and a deep scar running down her collarbone out of sight into her light gray hoodie. Virgil gets up to go help Roman only to stop dead in his tracks as he gazes down at the frail girl. He quickly pushes Roman off her to  give her air as her holds her in his lap.

    "A little rude much Jack smellington" Roman gets up brushing off his white prince jacket and adjusting his vibrant red sash. Virgil seems to have ignored him as he mumbles something to the girl. She starts to wake up as Virgil pulls her into a long passionate hug. She sits there for a second scared then timidly hugs back almost gripping his dark purple and gray hoodie.

    "Do you know this young maiden? My chemically unbalanced romance?" Roman says rather loudly slightly narrowing his eyes at the girl. Virgil looks up at him releasing her from the hug only to stand up and nod, throwing his hands in his pockets. I walk over to her and offer my hand only for my heart to feel like it's stopped. I feel my face get hot and I'm confused as to what's wrong with me. Virgil goes on to explain something to Logan and Roman. I almost ignore him up until he says "sister" and I turn me head around.

    "Wait she's your sister? I don't think I follow," Logan says pushing his glasses up and raising an eyebrow at him. I look towards her and tilt my head forgetting their conversation.

    "You got a name?" I ask her in a sweet tone. She pushes her (h/c) hair behind her ear as she seems to sink into her hood flinching as the fabric brushes her cheek. She nods slowly biting her bottom lip a little.

    "(Y/n)," she's almost holding her breath. She looks at me with big (e/c) eyes with a sad face, almost like a lost puppy. I couldn't help but smile. She looks so sweet. I then got to think... 'hold up this is Virgils younger sister I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. She seems way to shy and sweet to be related to someone so stubborn and well cool'. I shake the thought and get back to her. She was still looking at me, but this time she was the one smiling at me breaking into a small laugh.

    "What is it?" I tilt my head. God I must look really stupid right now. I smile slightly at her chuckle.

    "I was beginning to think you stopped working," she stopped laughing and smiled, coming out of her hood a little. I feel even more confused. 'Did I space out or... well... what happened?' I ask myself.

    "What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

    "You just stopped talking and then looked confused," She giggled again.

    "Oh sorry did you ask a question or something?" I say kinda embarrassed. I feel me body get hot she asks her question.

    "I told you my name so what's yours?" She smiled wincing in pain a little from the dark bruise on her cheek.

    " Oh my names Patton!" I say cheerfully smiling at her.

   "That's a creative name," she gives small smile looking away a little.


Hola My fander geeks! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new fanfic! I might be slow on writing for the next couple on months with stupid school getting hard, but I promise I will try my best to keep updating! So thanks for reading and remember your amazing!

                                               ~ Royal


Word count:732

The Story of a scar. (( Patton x Reader )) [Thomas Sanders FF]Where stories live. Discover now