<Calm Day>

220 7 4

Patton's P.O.V

    I raced to the entrance of the carnival, with (y/n) right behind me. I smiled widely as we entered. The others catching up to us, we all went with our respected partners and Virgil just stuck with Roman and Logan. We had ran into Dolion, Remus,  Emile, and Remy, Emile's boyfriend, on our way to the carnival. Despite not being a couple, (y/n) and I had been together throughout the day. It was amazing. We had first gone on a couple roller coasters, then played quiet a few games. We had won so many prizes that we couldn't hold them all, and someone even offered us a basket, which we thankfully took. 'She's amazing' I thought to myself. I just wish I could tell her that.

    "Hey Patton, you wanna do something fun?" (y/n) giggled. I narrowed me eyes, smiling.

    "Define 'fun'," I started laughing as she went on to explain that we are 'most likely going to get into trouble' king of fun. I nodded listening to her every word. As she was talking I got a text from the others giving a time we should all meet up. 6:00. It's 2:39 now so,

    "Will it take long?" I asked tilting my head a little.

    "No, no, how long do you think it takes to get into trouble?" She giggled again making me blush slightly at her little outburst. I sighed telling them that it works for us. (Y/n) told me her plan. She had noticed a sign that said no pets allowed. I smiled thinking I know where this is going. We didn't have any pets, but I worked at a pet store, so this should be easy. We had to leave quickly in order to make sure the guys don't find us, or we get caught sneaking out.

    We found our way back to the carnival, with 3 cats and 4 dog's running around in the back seat. Even though I'm allergic to cat's that wasn't going to stop me from our master plan. (y/n) asked if I was ready, and she let out the rambunctious animals. We didn't see what happened, but we defiantly heard it. There were some screams from passing workers, but there were a lot of Awe's and giggles from the crowd. We again had to sneak back into the carnival using the back entrance. Our plan was working so far. What had planned to do, was release the animals then the lines would be shorter, and if no one was leaving their place in line, then no one else would take our place. It would have worked if a security guard didn't see us walking around the crowd.

    "Hey! You two!" He shouted. (Y/n) and I looked at each other then took off running, as he was charging towards us. People were yelling and the crowd of people around the pets had turned to us. We just laughed as we ran around the entire amusement park. After running for a bit, the guard gave up his chase, leaving both (y/n) and I out of breath.

    "See that was fun!" (y/n) giggled as she sat on the ground. I hummed out an agreement, as I plopped down next to her. After what happened yesterday I really needed this. I smiled at her and she smiled at me.  We got lost in each others eyes for a moment. We both realized what was happening and we turned away. I'm sure my face was bloody red by now. We laughed it off. She stood up with me after her. We had to collect the pets and bring them back to the store. Good thing they were all trained. It didn't take long and we were off to my work again.

    After a bit we returned to the carnival. (Y/n) and I went on a few more rides. It was starting to get dark when I checked the time. 6:43! I looked over at (y/n) with a panicked the expression.

    "It's past 6.." I say she just started laughing. I laughed with her as he went to go find the others.

    "I think we might be in trouble, not with the security guard, but with our friends," I just laughed. We wondered around looking for them for a bit.

    "Pat look!" She pointed over to where the others were. Seems like they met up here. (Y/n) and I ran over to meet them.

    "Where have you two been! Do you realize how worried we were!" Roman shouted at us. (Y/n) just looked at us.

    "What did I tell ya," She laughed off Roman's scolding. I just realized how tired I was. I had been running with a heavy basket full of prizes trying to escape an angry security guard after releasing a couple of dogs and cats into an amusement park.

    "What happened you guys looked exhausted," Logan said curiously raising an eyebrow. I just laughed and turned towards (y/n).

    "Why don't we just tell you in the car," We laughed then made our way the car, we had to make extra room for the other four that decided to join us. It has been a fun day. I smiled as (y/n) told them what happened. I loved this, I love her.

Word count: 905

I don't have much to say other than I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I had fun writing it! Remember you all are amazing!


The Story of a scar. (( Patton x Reader )) [Thomas Sanders FF]Where stories live. Discover now