<Family Part 2>

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(Y/n)'s POV

     I sighed sitting next to Pat at the dinner table. Pattons mom was whispering to her husband. She looked over at me with her eyes narrowed. I shrugged it off when patton took my hand dragging and the others to his room.

"Okay I've had enough of this..." he began. I looked at him sympathetic eyes. I brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Please help me get them out!" He pleaded. I put my hand on his shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug. He leaned into it almost crying, when a knock at the door interrupted out talk. We saw Pattons brothers Emile and Dolion at the door. Roman raised an eyebrow.

"You two want something," he questioned.

Emile spoke up, "can we help you?" He looked to Patton. Pat smiled and nodded quietly. I watched the brothers have there silent conversation. Roman seemed to have an idea and turned towards Dolion.

"Dee you know my brother right?" Roman smiled and Dolion get a mischievous smile on his face. Even Roman has a brother? I looked to Logan who had pinched the bridge of his nose sighing heavily.

"Roman you know I admire your creativity and such, but," Logan paused.
"You really want to bring him into this?" He looked to his boyfriend sighing once more. Dolion seemed to read Roman's thoughts as he spoke up.

"Remus is the best... er interesting human," he laughed a little.

"My parents wouldn't be able to stand him for too long. Even if he is another guest," he has a slightly confused look on his face, but he was still smiling. Patton nodded while Roman was already getting out his phone.

^Time skip!^

    About 30 minutes later there is a knock on the back door. Roman sighed as he went to go answer it. I looked at the figure questioningly. He looked like Roman only he had slight green tips with a gray strip in his hair, his eyes were the same deep blue as Roman's and his attire was close to the same. An open green and black jaket. I nodded. Yup this is Roman's brother alright, his twin even.

"Oh I didn't know someone else was gonna be here," Mrs. Baker said a little confused. Roman's brother marched into the house with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh yeah I'm Remus! Roman's twin brother," he announce loudy. Dolion was right. He certainly is interesting. His eyes wondered around the room and stopped on me.

"I didn't know you had a f-" Dolion threw his hand over Remus's mouth and whispered something in his ear.
"Oh whatever," he laughed walking over to me.

" uh Hello!" I said as he shook my hand. His hand was oddly... slimy? I wiped it on my sweater.

"Are you sure you didn't just rent her? Because I dont think any girl non the less a good looking one would want to live with you all." Remus stated. I burst out laughing as Logan and Roman narrowed their eyes. Patton almost giggled along with Emile and Dolion. Virgil just shrugged. He walked over to Remus and began talking with his like an old friend. I looked over at Pattons parents. His parents looked disgusted. They whispered something to each other.

    The day ended not to long after Remus showed up. I could tell Pattons parents were highly disturbed br Remus. We tried watching a movie, but we couldn't find one where rat man wouldn't make an inappropriate joke about something someone said or did. So we gave up on the movie a little and played bored games instead. That was fun. Every once in a while Pattons mom would ask Patton and I a question about our relationship. Patton would get nervous, so I normally would answer. For some reason it felt natural to say the things I said. Even though they were lies.... I don't know it just felt normal as if I were talking about a real relationship. I sighed thinking about it. Pattons parents left, and Patton dissapeared into his room rather quickly. I went to get check on him.

[Tw: Patton angst, suicidal thoughts, blood, etc.]

I knocked quietly on his door. The the only answer was quiet sobs and slight giggling here and there. I grew concerned and knocked again, only louder. I heard something hit the floor. It wasn't heavy, but it was loud enough for me to hear it threw the door. Patton quickly opened the door slightly hiding behind it. I looked at him with a concerned face. "Hey (y/n)" he smiled in his usual cheerful tone. His eyes were red and puffed up. He had dry tear stains on his face, and he was shaking softly. Out of instinct I wrapped my arms around him making stumbled a little.

Patton's POV

I caught myself from (y/n)'s quick movement. I almost hissed at the unbearable pain I felt throught my whole body. A couple of tears fell, as I buried my face into (y/n)'s shoulder. I began releasing a couple of quiet sobs my arms burning from my bruises. (Y/n) drew back quickly. I looked up my eyes full of tears and surprise. I looked at my sleeves, and held my breath.
"Pat..." she began with tears forming in her eyes. I fell to the ground holding my arms. The pain I felt was awful. It strangely hurt more when she had noticed. I started shaking with fear and sadness. She ran out of the room in a hurry. I couldn't move... I froze. Shock flew over me when I realized what happend.
'She doesn't like you anymore, she's gonna tell the others, you'll be alone, no one will care about you, your a screw up, you can't prove anything helpful, just end this, you want to help others right? Then stop living, it's better that way.'
My thoughts clouded my head. I stopped my crying. I just sat on the ground, my arms in agonizing pain. I sat there with a smile on my face.

"It's okay," I whispered to myself, choking on my tears. "You got what you deserved." I was breathing heavily when the world around turned dark.

I awoke in a new room. I looked at the teal, color walls. Puppy posters, along with anime posters lined the walls. I felt strange. I realized I wasn't in my own room. This wasn't one of the other guys rooms either. '(Y/n)'s room' I said in my head. I closed my eyes. Peaceful music was playing along with the sound of a gentle hum. I sat up and looked around. I felt a whole of pain run through my body. I clutched my head. "You should move Patton," (y/n) said pushing me back down. She stroked my hair. I relaxed in her comfy bed.

"Thank you," I said softly feeling weaker then I thought. She continued to hum the tune. She got up and grabbed something. I looked at the time. '1:53' my eyes grew full of concern as I met (y/n)'s. She began to leave the room when I called out. "Wait! Don't leave..." I said looking down. A frown came upon my face. She gave a soft smile. She walked back over to me.

"Then," she yawned a little, "where will I sleep?" She knelt beside me. I didn't dare look at her.

"I wouldn't mind scooting over," I almost laughed a little. She smiled.

"Only if your alright with it." I nodded as and scooched a little to make room for her. Once she was in the bed I wrapped my arms around her, curling up into a ball. She did the same. We held each other until we both passed out.

I'm so sorry for not posting in a while. I was on a slight writer's block! So here's a long chapter for you all. I'm sorry for the sad Patton angst. I hope you all know your amazing!

Word count:1,349

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