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Jungkook couldn't do it. He couldn't. It was a life changing decision, and he didn't even get to make it himself, really. Everything had been planned out for him. It's not that he wanted to be totally independent, it's that he wasn't that fond of the said life plan.

How to solve his problems? By running away from them, of course.

Except this time, literally. He found himself lost in an unwelcoming forest. It was night of course, because who runs away during the daytime where anyone can see you?

Every snap of a small twig or ruffle of leaves made him jump. He had a strong build, again not that he chose to have one, but he wasn't exactly a wilderness expert. But it was okay, because he knew this forest was going to bring him right where he needed to be.

"It should be here somewhere..." He mumbled to himself. For all he knew he was just walking in circles. He didn't really have the best sense of direction. He was used to people doing things for him, so he never learned.

He almost squealed with joy when he finally saw it. But his breath caught in his throat. This place was even more unwelcoming than the woods.

He was used to luxury, and this looked like pure horror to him.

Despite this, he walked up to the mansion. He scrunched up his nose at the unkept garden and opened the front door without knocking. He was surprised to see it was unlocked.

He stepped inside. "This place is such an overgrown dump! Who would want to live like this?"

"Can I help you?" A dark voice spat, causing him to jump.

He hadn't heard any footsteps, and he was positive this man hadn't been standing in front of him a few seconds ago.

"Are you Satan?" Jungkook asked.

Jungkook looked at the man. He had completely black hair and irises that were almost glowing red. He was pale and intimidating. He didn't even flinch when he was called Satan.

"Yes. Are you just here to judge my house or do you want something?" He almost growled, his voice somehow matching his dark and scary aura. This was no doubt him.

"I do, actually." Jungkook cleared his throat. "I want you to pretend to kidnap me."

"Give me one reason why I'd do that." The man deadpanned.

"So I don't have to get married!" Jungkook snapped.

"Oh you poor little rich boy, are you being married off to some woman to produce an heir?" He mocked, rolling his red eyes.

"Yes, exactly! Finally someone understands." Jungkook groaned. He wasn't really noticing that the man didn't seem fond of the idea of helping Jungkook.

"Well, deal with it. I can't help you." He shrugged.

"Why not?!" Jungkook suddenly shouted. The man hardly blinked at the outburst. "Do you even know who I am? I'm Jeon Jungkook, the prince and soon to be king of the land!"

"Of course I know who you are. But I'm starting to think you've forgotten who I am. You may be Jeon Jungkook, prince of the land but I am Satan. Do you really think your social status means anything to me?" He stated calmly. This infuriated Jungkook more.

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