Jungkook woke up the next morning alone in Satan's bed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He stumbled to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Deciding not to waste any more time, he left the room to start on making breakfast. He was expecting to bump into the man at some point, but he never found any trace of the other.

Maybe he left the house without saying?

Jungkook bit his lip. He knew the man didn't care about him, at least, not very much. Jungkook didn't really care much for him either since he was an asshole, despite his slight crush on the older. However, he wasn't exactly a fan of being left alone, especially without having a warning in advance. He was lonely as a prince, but not alone. There were always people around him.

Jungkook needed reassurance. He needed to know he wasn't left alone. Even if he had to seek comfort from Satan himself. He had no one else.

Jungkook left the kitchen, arms wrapped around himself and flinching with every step on the cold floor. He searched every room, growing more worried by the minute. Maybe he was outside? Does Satan do yard work?

Jungkook remembered the state of the front yard when he first saw it. Yeah, he probably doesn't do yard work.

Despite that, he still looked out the windows. He would not go outside. Even with the bright sun and chirping birds out, he was still shaken from that thunderstorm that appeared out of nowhere. He didn't want to have that surprise again. Plus, he didn't want to be spotted by anyone who happened to stumble upon the hidden mansion and be dragged back to his kingdom.

He'd looked everywhere inside, and all around the outside of the house. He was alone. No note, no heads up of any kind. His heart was pounding. Anything could happen to him when he was alone. He always had irrational fears when it came to being all by himself. He was never alone in his castle.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to stay calm. That didn't really last long. Tears slipped past his eyes. Defeated, he trudged back up the stairs and closed the door behind him as he entered the bedroom. He climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over his head. He was shaking and crying quietly to himself. He didn't know why he was so scared.

It's weird how he felt safer with a man who threatened him and was rude to him multiple times than all alone. It didn't matter who was with him. He just needed someone there. Anyone.

Then he heard it. Rainfall.

Well, this was fantastic.

He curled into a ball and cried harder, remembering how terrified he was when he was left out in the rainstorm. He hated every second of this.

Surely he'd come back, right?



Satan dropped the money on the counter and snatched up his bag of goods without saying anything. He turned around and rolled his eyes at the sight of all the people of the kingdom. They were so giddy and annoying. He was glad he lived far away from them. However, it was also quite inconvenient when he needed to stock up on food. And now he was providing for two.

As he started back to his estate, he couldn't help but overhear some of the people's gossiping.

"Still no sign of the prince. They've sent out search parties, but nothing's turned up."

"Do you think he could've been abducted?"

"Or...he could've...been killed."

Yoongi scoffed, "Of course he's not dead. He'd be in Hell for sure, and I think I'd know of all people."

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