Jungkook woke up smiling, wiggling around on the comfortable bed with his eyes still closed. His brows furrowed and he felt around for the warmth of the man he fell asleep with. Nobody was in the bed.

"Get the fuck up."

Jungkook's eyes opened. There Yoongi stood at the side of the bed. Arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. Jungkook whined and shook his head, starting to pull the covers over his head in protest.

"Get your prissy ass out of my room and make me breakfast." He deadpanned. Jungkook's eyes shot open and he sat up quickly.

"H-Huh? But I-I don't know how!" Jungkook said frantically, earning an unimpressed expression from the other. Not once in luxurious life had he ever cooked for himself, let alone other people.

"Not my problem. You can only stay here if you do what I say. Now go, I don't like to wait." Satan tapped his foot impatiently. He was waiting for Jungkook to test him again like the little fucking brat he was.

"O-Okay." Jungkook sniffled, trying his best to hold back his tears. He got out of bed, head hung low as he left the room.

What happened to the somewhat sweet guy he cuddled with last night? Jungkook felt stupid. How could he possibly think Satan himself would be nice to someone like Jungkook? He was here on one condition. If he fucked up, he'd be right back to square one.

Jungkook stumbled into the kitchen, wiping his eyes with his sleeves. He knew better than to get himself ready before he made the man breakfast. He was already treading on ice that was way too thin.

He bit his lip as he looked around the giant kitchen. Although Jungkook was spoiled, he wasn't just some airhead. He would sometimes watch his servants make his food. He figured he could put something together by trying to remember what he watched the servants did.

So he did just that. He made a simple breakfast, which he taste tested countless times to make sure he hadn't messed it up. He smiled proudly at the plate. He set it down on the table in the dining room, along with silverware he'd found in a drawer.

'I just cooked something. And it didn't give me food poisoning!' Jungkook thought happily, giggling to himself quietly.

He snapped out of his trance and quickly left the dining room to tell Yoongi his breakfast was ready. He didn't have to walk far, it seemed, as he bumped right into the man when he turned the corner.

"Oh, sorry." Jungkook squeaked, stepping back. "I was just coming to tell you that I've finished breakfast."

He said nothing as he pushed past Jungkook and walked into the dining room. Jungkook quickly followed behind him. Jungkook watched as the older sat down in front of his plate, eyeing it suspiciously. Jungkook bit his lip and sat down across from him.

"I-I hope you can enjoy it." Jungkook mumbled, waiting anxiously for the man to try it.

Satan scoffed and picked up his utensils, taking a bite of the food. Jungkook felt relived when he saw no negative signs from the man. Jungkook smiled and mentally patted himself on the back, picking up his own utensils.

"I didn't say you were allowed to eat."

Jungkook froze mid-bite. He slowly looked at the man across from him. He almost started shaking in fear from the look he received from Satan.

"I-I'm sorry." Jungkook whispered, setting his utensils down. He kept his hands in his lap and stared down at his plate. His stomach grumbled.

Satan took his time eating. Jungkook sat quietly, sometimes looking up at him. He still hadn't been given permission to eat his own food, which was undoubtedly going cold.

"M-Mister Yoongi? Can I please eat now?"

"No. Ask me again and I'll make sure you don't eat the entire day." He deadpanned, looking up and his eyes piercing Jungkook's. That fierce red they were yesterday was back, and it only made him more intimidating.

Jungkook whimpered. He couldn't go without eating. He wasn't overweight because he was practically forced to be kept in shape, but he was definitely used to having unlimited access to food. Which meant he had a pretty big appetite naturally. He didn't think he'd be able to handle an empty stomach for an entire day.

Jungkook watched as the man continued to eat agonizingly slowly. His stomach was basically screaming that he needed food, but he didn't dare move a finger. Waiting for the okay from the man was better than waiting till the next day.

Yoongi finally finished his plate, leaning back. Then he nodded to Jungkook, "Go wash these."

"I-I've never washed dishes." Jungkook whimpered, staring at the older nervously.

"Is that my problem, Jungkook?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow, folding his arms over his chest.

"No." Jungkook whispered with a shake of his head. He stood up and gathered Yoongi's dishes.

He silently left the room and brought the dishes to the sink. He'd also seen this process countless times. How hard could it be?

"Ow!" Jungkook yelped when soap flicked into his eye. He quickly tried to wash it out, whimpering in pain. He felt totally useless. He didn't know how to do anything for himself. Now he was a servant for the scariest person to exist. He was surprised he stayed alive this long.

Jungkook trudged back into the dining room, shirt soaked in water and his eye watering. He sat down in his seat silently and stared down at the table.


Yoongi was still there, but he said nothing. Jungkook almost started to ask if he could eat now, but quickly caught himself, biting down on his tongue.

"You are allowed to eat now. Clean up after yourself." Yoongi said, rising from his seat and leaving.

Jungkook quickly devoured his food. He cringed at the cold food that would've tasted so much better warm. But he ate it all anyway. It was strange. Back at his castle he would send something back to the kitchen if it were cold. And here he was, scarfing down the definitely not warm food.

Jungkook washed his dishes after he was done. He didn't know what to do. He decided to try to find Yoongi to ask if he was allowed to take a bath. He took one perfectly fine the day before, but if he needed permission to eat then he wasn't going to just hop in a bath without asking.

He didn't like this side of the man. He was mean and scary. Jungkook wanted the side that allowed him to cuddle him to come back.

However, he knew the chances of that happening again were very slim.

Idk what I'm doing lmfao what a clown🤡

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