"W-Where are you going?" Jungkook asked quietly, standing in the doorway.

"Get inside, you idiot. Someone could see you." Yoongi hissed, stepping back inside the house. Jungkook pouted but moved back while Yoongi shut and locked the door.

"Why were you outside?" Jungkook questioned, getting an unamused eye roll from the elder.

"Cause I saw this." Yoongi muttered, holding out a damaged piece of paper. Jungkook could just barely make out his name and the word 'missing'.

"Wait, people have been putting up flyers near here?! What if they try to search your house? I don't wanna go back!" Jungkook began to panic, his eyes wide with fear.

"Would you shut up? No one's been around here, I would've heard them. It probably got washed up over here from the storm. Plus, I doubt anyone would try to search Satan's house. I'd kill them before they could get a foot inside." Yoongi said flatly while pushing past the young prince.

Jungkook furrowed his brows and spun around to look at the man walking away, "Then why didn't you kill me?"

He stopped and turned around, "What?"

"If you heard someone approaching your house, why didn't you kill me right away? Why would you keep me alive and shelter me, but say you'd take the lives of anyone who would try to take me away, huh?" Jungkook crossed his arms, brows raised. He felt a boost of confidence when Satan looked a bit taken aback.


"Do you care for me?" Jungkook interrupted.

"Don't flatter yourself, Prince Charming. I didn't kill you because I needed a housekeeper, and I'd kill someone who'd take you away because again, I need a housekeeper." Satan deadpanned, his expression blank.

"If you needed a housekeeper, why didn't you have one already?" Jungkook shot back, frowning at the other.

"Who would want to be a housekeeper for Satan?" He raised a brow.

Jungkook bit his tongue. Fair point. Especially with how rude he can be sometimes.

"Well I don't buy it. I think you actually feel something for me and you're too much of a coward to admit it. If you didn't like me, I'd be dead already. So you can pretend to be all cold and stuff, but I know you still have a heart, even with how evil you've been." Jungkook glared at the man. Satan chuckled humorlessly.

"I don't give a shit what you choose to believe. You're a dumb rich kid, don't ever think you'll be anything more than that." He growled. Jungkook's pissed off expression fell, and he looked like he'd just been crushed.

"I-I'm not dumb. Stop saying that." Jungkook whispered, tears starting to build. Satan didn't look affected.

"Start proving me wrong, then." Satan answered coldly, his harsh glare unrelenting.

Jungkook whimpered, lips wobbling. He shook his head, tears starting to fall. He managed to force out, "I hate you."

He opened the door and slammed it behind him. Yoongi glanced out the window. He was running into the woods surrounding the mansion. He rolled his eyes.

"Good riddance. He only caused me trouble, anyway." Yoongi muttered. He went upstairs and stayed in his room, later deciding to take a nap.

Like he didn't care at all.


Jungkook kept running. He was in the middle of the woods, but he wasn't close enough where someone from his kingdom could find him. He eventually collapsed from exhaustion and began sobbing into his hands, curling up into a ball. He rocked himself and cried for a long time.

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