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Jungkook spent the rest of the day cleaning. By Satan's orders, of course. He had no idea what he was doing, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly.

As he moved throughout the mansion and turned on the lights, he realized why Yoongi decided to keep him around, at least for now. Every room he entered was dusty. He hadn't really noticed when he was looking for a place to sleep because it was too dark to tell. It was quite obvious the man wasn't fond of cleaning.

Jungkook wasn't either, but it's not like he had a choice.

He found himself to be sneezing or coughing every few minutes when dust kicked up by his own fault. The work was tedious, and Jungkook was beginning to feel tired. He needed water, too. Surely he wouldn't be denied water if he asked, right?

He bit his lip and decided to just go and ask. There was no point turning into a raisin just because he was too scared to ask.

Jungkook knocked softly on the door to Satan's bedroom before opening it slowly. The man was on the edge of his bed, putting something in his pocket. He looked up and glared at the younger.

"I didn't say you could come in." He spat.

"S-Sorry. Won't happen again." Jungkook squeaked.

"What do you want? You're not done, you've only started the ninth room." He muttered, one of his brows slightly arching in question.

"I wanted to ask if I could have some water." Jungkook mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Whatever, get it yourself." He scoffed. Jungkook winced but nodded. He was really hating this treatment. But, he did deserve it.

"Would you like me to clean your room too?" Jungkook whispered, eyes still on the floor.

"No, my room is clean."

"Okay." Jungkook nodded, taking a quick glance around. He was right. The only room Yoongi seemed to care for was his own.

Jungkook quietly left and entered the kitchen to retrieve a much needed glass of water. He gulped it down and washed off the glass, setting it out to dry. He enjoyed the few seconds of relaxation he had before he trudged back to where he left off.

He wondered how Yoongi knew how many rooms he'd done. Maybe he was keeping an eye on Jungkook? He might not trust him to be doing his job correctly. No, he wouldn't need to watch Jungkook to know what room he was on, he could hear him. Jungkook shuddered at the thought, it kind of spooked him.

'I wonder if all his senses are heightened.' Jungkook thought. He dusted some of the empty shelves before pausing. 'I wonder if he can read minds.'

Jungkook gulped. He could live with the first one being true, it wouldn't really affect him. But the second one kind of scared him. What if he knew Jungkook was thinking about him?

'I shouldn't be thinking about him. He's an asshole. Hey, Satan, if you're listening, you're an asshole!' Jungkook thought as he furrowed his brows and continued cleaning harshly. 'Wait, I take that back, don't kick me out again!'

He sighed. This was lonelier than he thought. He didn't have friends before, but at least he had people around him to talk to. It seemed Satan wanted nothing to do with him. It made sense, but at the same time, why would he allow Jungkook to cuddle him?

Oh. He's probably lonelier than Jungkook ever was. Maybe he wanted the company but he doesn't know how to handle it? Jungkook hoped his prediction was right.

He wanted so badly to appease the older. He didn't want to let him down, not only for his own benefit, but he wanted to feel like he was really a person. Not just a pretty kid that would soon rule a population. Something in him yearned to be normal ever since he came here. He didn't want to be a prince anymore. He didn't know if he was fond of being a housekeeper, but it was already teaching him more than his previous occupation ever did.

He also might have wanted to appease the man because he has a very tiny crush on him. Very tiny. It would be a lot more serious if he weren't such a jerk. For now it's very minor.

Very minor.


Jungkook served the man dinner silently, praying he wouldn't give him food poisoning. Breakfast was simple enough, so was lunch. But dinner was a different story. It was a lot more difficult for Jungkook to remember. He found a cookbook surprisingly, that ended up saving the entire meal.

Jungkook sat across from him and kept his hands in his lap.

"You finished your cleaning?"

"Yes." Jungkook nodded quickly. He didn't know why he felt so scared all of a sudden. He almost gave himself whiplash from how frantically he nodded.


"T-Thank you." Jungkook mumbled, picking up his fork.

Satan had asked him the same question around lunchtime. Jungkook replied that he had a few more rooms left. The older didn't allow him to eat until he finished his own meal just as he did that morning. This was a nice change. They were eating together.

Jungkook felt so awkward. He's never eaten in complete silence, but it seemed Yoongi had absolutely nothing to say to him. And Jungkook was too nervous to say anything first.

Jungkook washed the dishes after they finished. He walked back into the dining room and wiped his hands on his pants.

"I-I um...I found some mats and stuff in a room. I can sleep there-"


"Huh?" Jungkook tried to play off the fact that he choked on his own spit, but to no avail. The man's expression remained blank.

"No, you stay in my room."

"D-Do you not trust me?" Jungkook mumbled, playing with the hem of his shirt nervously. He gulped at the immediate glare he received.

"I don't have to explain anything to you. If I say you stay in my room, you're staying in my room. If I didn't trust you, you wouldn't be in my house." The man spat, brows furrowed.

'So he wants me in his room, in his bed, and it isn't because he doesn't trust me? Am I dreaming?' Jungkook thought. He didn't see a change in the man's expression, so he figured he was wrong about the whole mind reading thing. At least he hoped he was wrong.

Jungkook suddenly got a surge of confidence, "Do you want me to cuddle you?"

The man's eyes turned red. He got up and left the room without a word. Okay, maybe not.

'At least he didn't hit me or something.' Jungkook shivered. That definitely could've gone worse.

Jungkook yawned and looked at the grandfather clock. It was only 7pm but he was exhausted from all his work. He didn't receive any other orders from the man, so he assumed he would be able to relax.

He went up the stairs and gulped before opening the door to the man's bedroom. Jungkook saw Yoongi on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He was taking up most of the bed.

Jungkook silently moved up to the side of the bed, slipping under the covers. He didn't have much room thanks to the other, so he just decided to wiggle closer to his side. He would've probably fallen off if he hadn't. The man didn't shove him away.

Jungkook tried not to smile. Who knew someone so rude and scary could be so comforting in a different setting?

Jungkook buried his face in the man's chest when he felt his cheeks warm up. Why was he so much more good looking up close?

Jungkook jumped when an arm slid around his waist. He risked a glance up at the man. He was still looking at the ceiling. Jungkook pressed his face back where it was and attempted to ignore how irregular his heartbeat became.

Maybe he wasn't wrong about the cuddling thing after all.

I didn't like this chapter but I want fluff so fuck character development soft Yoongi should be on the way🤡

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