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Luke's POV.

Michael went home after everything went down in flames.

He said he was gonna tell people about where I lived.

Ashton said he'd kill Michael if he did.

After he left, Chloe clung to me as I cried, and cried, and cried.

I don't want anyone to know where I live. It'll make everyone hate me more.

I tried texting him, but I got no reply.

He's going to tell everyone what a pathetic life I have, and he's not even gonna think about how it'll make me feel.

I can't take criticism lightly. I can't stand having people dislike me. Michael doesn't understand how bad I take everything to the heart. It'll eat me up on the inside having all the people in the school know my secret.

"You're gonna be okay, Lukey. Boys are stupid. Don't listen to what other people say." Chloe said when I kneeled down.

She kissed the tip of my nose, making me smile.

"Thanks sweetheart." I whispered, hugging her tightly.

I stood up, and looked up at Mother Anne-Marie.

"Ashton will bring you home if anythings wrong, okay?" She said.

I nodded, and waved goodbye, walking on the sidewalk.

I entered the school building and nobody said anything to me.

I got a few glances, but I tried my best to shake them off.

I made it to my locker, and saw a paper sticking to it.

'Little Orphan Lukey'

I tore it off and shoved it on the trash can.

10 minutes into school, and my days already been ruined.

I saw people laughing though.

I saw a a familiar red head come in my direction.

"Luke. Listen. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't tell everyone. I just might've let it slip." He said sympathetically.

"What did I do to you?" I asked, wiping my eye.

He stayed quiet, with an unreadable expression on his face.

I looked all around seeing people staring.

Some were laughing, some were just looking.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.


Michael's POV.

He looked so hurt.

His arms crossed over his stomach and his bottom lip quivered.

He looked around nervously and kept his gaze locked on something.

I turned my head to see a group of guys walking to us.

The same guys I accidentally told.

"Little Orphan Lukey." One of them smirked.

He glanced up to me but looked back down.

The guys pushed him against the lockers.

"Too bad nobody wants to get a teenager." One said. He kept his head down.

He was immediately pushed to the floor and the bottom of his sweater rolled up.

"Oh. What've we got here?" One said and lifted Luke's sweater back up. There were what seemed to be 100 cuts.

They quickly pulled him into the bathroom.

I stayed behind though.

His locker stayed open, so I was able to see what he actually had in there.

There was a bunch of crumbled up papers.

I opened a few, seeing harsh words written on them.

Why does he keep these?

I saw Ashton walk over to me.

"Why are you in Luke's locker?" He asked.

"Uh. P-People found- no. Wait. He left his locker open and- please just punch me already." I said quickly.

He looked confused.

"But first. Please tell me Luke's story."

"He's gonna have to do that himself. But why do you want me to punch you?"

"I accidentally told someone where Luke lived." I said quietly.

He sighed.

"And he's in the bathroom with a bunch of guys. Probably getting beat up-"

"And you didn't stop them?!" He yelled running into the bathroom, just as the guys walked out.

I followed him in slowly, and saw Luke siting up against the wall with his head in his hands.

Ashton dropped his bag, and ran over to Luke, kneeling down beside him.

"Luke are you okay?" He asked, pushing tiny pieces of hair behind Luke's ear.

He looked up, and I saw his slightly red face.

He shook his head, and released sobs onto Ashton's shoulder.

I felt extremely guilty. More than guilty. I wanted to go back in time and fix everything.

"I d-don't know what I've done. I'm j-just not good enough. I never am." He cried.

Ashton stayed quiet while Luke released everything.

"They know everything." He whispered.

I slowly walked over to them and sat beside Luke.

"Luke. I really am sorry. I didn't mean to tell anyone. I know I said I did when you were mad at me, but I swear it was an accident." I said.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself Michael." He said quietly.

"Why? there's no reason to be mad at yourself." I said

"I could've done something. I could've done something to make my parents love me. If they had loved me, I wouldn't even be at the orphanage, but it's all my fault because I was just a mistake anyway." He cried.

"Don't say that Luke." I whispered.

"I'll leave you two alone." Ashton said as the bell rang.

I nodded and when he walked out, Luke was silent.

"Luke. We're ditching. Follow me."

He looked quite surprised, but took my hand, and let me lead him out of the front doors.


"Wow." He said. "I like it up here." He said as we sat at the top of the schools football stadium.

"I do too. But I wanna ask you something." I said.

He looked over to me.


"What's your story?"

"M-My story?"

"Yeah. Your story. I wanna get to know you, Luke."

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