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two months since boy met girl

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two months since boy met girl.

"can everyone please take out your textbook." cecile sighed as she took another look around the classroom. there was still no sight of him. she grabbed her book from her bag and dropped it in front of her, flipping to the designated page.

music erupted through her ears, a way to pass the time. she multitasked listening to the professor and writing in her comp book. "im here, im here!" a smile slowly crept on her face at the sound of his voice.

"mr. chalamet, youre late!" he made his way over to her quickly, "yes sir, i know i apologize immensely!" he exclaimed, "here you go." he handed her her normal coffee order, an almond latte. her smile widened as she took it from him.

"i thought today might be the end of a streak dude!" he nodded, chuckling, "never, cecile, never." he stated. she shook her head, "im writing that statement down, you know." he hummed in agreement.

the rest of the hour went fast, her sipping on her latte and talking to timothee. once it ended they continued with their usual routine, grabbing lunch and chatting. they walked closely in the cold, gravitating towards the warmth.

it was below freezing that day in new york. they headed towards a local pizzeria theyd sometimes eat at.

they were greeted by the manager, carlos, and a waitress, lana, as soon as they entered. "whats up carlos" timothee beamed. cecile waved as she removed her coat and placed it in the booth. "so what would it be today guys?" questioned carlos.

"just the special of course." cecile replied. carlos nodded, "shouldve known, and the same drinks i assume?" they both shared a 'yes' as carlos took their menus and walked away.

"so," cecile started leaning forward, "why were you so late to class today? i was dying with out my only friend there."

"ah right, well boring story," cecile shrugged, "just woke up late and there was a long line at third rail." she looked at him with suspicion. "what?" he asked, mirroring her expression.

"sounds like bullshit to me." she tested. his face turned into shock, "what are you-" he didnt finish.

she jumped out of the booth, phone to her ear. he automatically sighed, knowing who was on the other side. he took the moment to check his own phone filled up with notifications. he answered a couple texts before the pizza got brought out.

"i saw her on the phone out there. looks intense." lana mentioned as she filled their cups. timothee coughed while nodding, "yes its her boyfriend on the phone." he eyes lana for a reaction, but she just smiled. "oh i didnt know she had a boyfriend, have you met him?"

he shook his head, "nope have yet to meet the guy." lana raised her eyebrows, "i take it you dont like him?" he let out a laugh, "i mean we havent met, but from what cecile tells me, hes not the finest boyfriend in the world."

"oh well just to let you know, ive always thought you two were dating." timothee almost choked on his water. "no, no we- no. just friends. ive only actually known her like two months." lana nodded to herself, trying to hide the pleasing look off her face. "well seems like longer to me." she walked off right when cecile arrive.

"wait lana, could you actually bring out a box for me please?" lana turned around, nodding, "of course."

"wait youre leaving?" timothee questioned. she sighed before gulping down her lemonade. "im so sorry, really, but nick uh well," she stammered, grabbing pieces and throwing them in the box, "i just forgot we had plans. im sorry really."

timothee gave her a smile, "no cecile, its okay. ill see you tomorrow, alright?" she let out a 'yes' before escaping through the exit.

lana came back soon after, apron in arms. "well i just got off, want to walk around?" he glanced up at her already grabbing his coat and wallet. he exited the restaurant, with someone different than when he entered.

"nick, im here." cecile called entering her apartment. she took off her coat and tossed her keys onto the counter. she called his name again looking around. finally she entered the balcony being met with an unconcious nick on her chair.

"fuck nick." she mumbled as she saw the mess. a bag of weed was on the ground, lying with his lighter. there was also a couple empty bottles of beer placed beside him. she shook her head as she started cleaning.

she ended up waking him so he could move into her room. he wouldnt go back to sleep, instead placing kisses on her arms and mumbling how much he loved her. she scoffed at him, "god nick, its not even 6:30."

he smiled, pulling her down by her arm, "it is somewhere." she let him kiss her all over her body until he finally reached sleep. she shrugged out of his embrace, reaching for her phone on the nightstand.

she scrolled on instagram, watching peoples stories. she leaned up at a photo of timothee appearing. it was him and lana smiling up at the camera in central park. she hummed, leaving the app. she thought to herself before sending a quick text.

how was the rest of your day?

she placed her phone into her back pocket, getting out of her bed. she made her way to the balcony and leaned over.

she watched the view as she reached for a cigarette. she flicked open the lighter, placing the cigarette between her lips. she puffed while watching a couple cars honking at each other on the street. a buzz interrupted her thoughts.

pretty good, but i should be asking you that

kinda shit

wanna talk about it?

definitely not

all good, ill talk about me

yes how was lana

oh, how did you know i was with lana?


oh right. well it was fun.
always good making new friends :)

new friend? is that what youre calling it?

well yes what else would i call it?

hmmmm ;)

no stop it. it was not a date. she just got off work and asked to walk around.

thats all.

okay timmy whatever you say.

she smiled to herself, finishing her cigarette. leaving the cold air, she walked back into her bedroom. this time going under the sheets. she gave nick a small kiss on the cheek and turned over, turning off her lamp.


god i feel like this was terrible.

trust me this is going to be really slow not annoyingly fast!

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