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five months since boy met girl

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five months since boy met girl

the phone rang only a couple times before it connected. "hello?" she could tell he was sleeping by the raspiness in his voice. she took a moment to take in the sound, enjoying it more than she thought.

"fuck, sorry, did i wake you?" she asked. she already knew the answer but needed reassurance. she was shivering on the her deck, not bothering to grab a coat before walking out.

"uh yes but it's fine i only just fell asleep." she knew that was a straight lie. timothee wouldn't want her to feel bad. she unconsciously smiled to herself. "what's the reason you're calling at, uh, four in the morning?"

she sighed, knowing this question was inevitable. she knew he'd ask of course, she just didn't want to answer.

"i don't want to talk about it right now." she took a pause, "can i come over?"

as she waited for his response her fingers were crossed. she needed some company right now and vera was busy with her boyfriend.

suddenly she was cursing to herself. he was probably busy or wanted to go back to sleep. maybe even worse, with someone. she regretted this phone call, wondering if it was too late to hang up and blame it on sleep walking.

"of course, i'll meet you half way."

she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. obviously he'd want to meet up, he was too nice to let her walk all alone in the dark.

"thank you," she whispered, hanging up. cecile ran inside and grabbed her coat, not bothering changing or even brushing her hair. before she knew it she was walking the couple blocks to timothees apartment.

she only walked five minutes before she saw the silhouette of a tall, skinny boy only a street ahead. she let out a breath of relief, running the last little bit.

his hair was messy, pieces sticking up everywhere. he had on his sweats and a pullover. she noticed however that he was still in his slippers. she laughed looking down at them.

"you like them?" he asked, posing. she stepped closer to him, a wide grin plastered on her face. "love them." he returned the smile.

she stood on her toes, arms out to touch his hair. she tried her best to flatten it, but nothing changed. she shook her head at that and gave him a light shove.

they started walking the rest of the way, neither of them talking. the silence they shared was always comforting and relaxing.

they watched as cars were speeding down the road, adults stumbling their way home from a bar, and sketchy men with wandering eyes.

nice boys. timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now