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"I'll get you for this, hedgehog!" Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik screamed in rage as a portal swallowed him up with it's gravitational pull. "You'll see! I'll be back!"

Sonic Hedgehog watched in shock, alongside his best friend Miles 'Tails' Prower and their other friends/allies, as the evil doctor disappeared from the surface of Möbius. His mouth hung open, and his eyes were as wide as saucers before he shook his head to recover. He turned to the ones with him and behind him and smiled.

"He's gone, everyone," he announced. "That Egghead's finally gone!"

"YAY!" Everyone cheered, jumping for joy and hugging each other as they squealed and celebrated their freedom.

Sonic chuckled as he watched the citizens of Möbius enjoy what they've been longing for in a long time.


The sunlight shone from his bedroom window, brightening up the sky blue room. He groaned at the light, but he opened his eyes anyway. He sat up and stretched, feeling his stress on Eggman fade away each night he slept before he got up and headed to the window. He opened it and took a deep, calming breath.

"Aah~" he sighed in relief as he was met with the chirping birds and happy sunshine. "What a beautiful day..."

"Look! It's Sonic!"

Sonic snapper out from his relaxing morning and looked down to see a MILLION reporters and journalists on his yard, their cameras and notebooks out with pens as they snapped pictures of him. He gasped, shutting the window to avoid the bright flashes as he rubbed his eyes with a hiss. A groan escaped his lips as he shook his head and blinked to clear his eyes.

"Ugh, paparazzi," he sighed and scratched his head. "Can't they leave me alone already?"

He dragged himself out of his room and into his bathroom to clean himself up. He turned the tap of the bath tub on and let it fill while he added the bubble soap. Once it was full, he turned off the water and entered the bubbles, soaking himself to let him relax with a happy sigh. He closed his eyes, letting the warm, calm feeling around him fill his thoughts...


'Seriously...?' he growled as he reached out for the phone on the sink. 'Can't I have some alone time for ONE minute? Just ONE!'

He looked at the Caller ID then he answered the call and placed the phone by his ear.


"Hey, Sonic!" Tails's voice rang through the phone, catching the azure hedgehog off-guard. "I was heading over to your place when I saw the media all over your front yard. You doing okay? Need some help getting rid of your little paparazzi trouble? I can always tell them to come back a little later, this afternoon or maybe tomorrow? Or..."

"I'm fine, Tails," Sonic reassured his best friend-brother. "I can handle them. Why don't you try to get in through a window?"

"Alright. See ya there!" With that, the line went dead.

Sonic sighed and placed his phone back on the sink then he went back to relaxing with the bubbles. After a while, he had finished and was now putting on his bathrobe as his quills were wrapped up in a towel. He brushed his teeth and rinsed then he walked out to the halls of his house.

"Hey, Sonic,"

"GAH!" Sonic jumped and turned to see his buddy Tails enter through the hallway window with a smile. "Oh, Tails, you startled me,"

"Sorry," Tails chuckles. "I thought you'd be done changing,"

"Not yet. Just finished taking a little bubble bath," Sonic giggled before opening his bedroom door. "Wait for me on the couch, m'kay? I'll be down in a sec,"

Adventures of Bughog and Hedge NoirWhere stories live. Discover now