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Weeks passed since Sonic's retirement. The media was still terrible whilst G.U.N was still stressful to Shadow.

Fortunately, through the struggles of getting away from reporters and journalists, Sonic found himself having a passion for designing and making clothes. Pretty soon, he bought hangers, a closet, a sewing kit, needles, threads, cloths, sequins, mannequins of all shapes and a bunch of other stuff to pursue his new career. He made an online website about his designs, which people started liking and buying right away.


An airplane landed in Möbius Airport. The plane came from Paris, and out of all of it's passengers, there was one particular one who was rushing as she grabbed her maroon luggage and ran out of the airport, accidentally bumping onto a few newcomers and boarders.

"Oops! Sorry!"


"Watch where you're going!"

After a while, the girl, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, had finally reached the exit and was now staring at her new surroundings. The busy streets and the sound of car horns rang through her ears, making her sigh.

"Well, at least it's a new environment," she groaned before crossing the street.

As she did, a reckless trick driver drove through, not bothering to check the stoplights as he drove fast and blindly. Soon, the truck lights flashed brightly, and Marinette was able to turn to see it. She screamed in shock, but before she could do anything, a blue blue grabbed her and pulled her across. They fell on the sidewalk as the truck passed with no care. Marinette groaned and rubbed her aching head.

"Hey, you okay?" she turned to see Sonic holding out a hand to her.

"Y-Yeah," Marinette nodded and sat up to meet the azure one's eye level. "Thank you,"

"No problem," Sonic smiled. "It's what I do,"

'He's perfect for the role...' Marinette thought before opening her luggage to look for something. "Please, kind sir, let me give you something. For saving my life,"

"Oh, you don't need to—"

"It's fine. Here," Marinette handed a box to him. "May it bring you good luck,"

"Um, thanks?" Sonic took it awkwardly.

"Farewell," Marinette bowed. "I'm sure we'll meet again soon, Sonic,"

"W-Wait, how—"

"You're too famous to not be remembered," Marinette winked at him before she stood up and took her leave.

"Uh..." Sonic was left dumbstruck as the half-Chinese girl left. "Okay...?"


Marinette walked through the city, looking around for a place to stay. As she did so, she spotted Shadow and Rouge scouting the place with Omega behind them. An idea dame to her head, her eyes lighting up before grinning.

'It's time to find Ladybug's Partner.' she took a deep breath and began to walk their way then she pretended to stumble and fall back. "W-Woah!"

The trio spotted her and rushed to get aid. Of course, Shadow was the in front of the group as he was able to grab the girl and pull her forward before she could fall on the street. She landed in his arms as she stumbled forward and landed on her knees.

"Oh my!" Marinette looked up to meet the ebony's ruby red eyes. "Thank you for saving me!"

"Uh, no problem..." Shadow helped her to stand and dusted himself up. "You should be more careful,"

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