Bughog And Hedge Noir 1

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"Pretty box," Amy observed it as she sat on her chair in the dining room. "I wonder what's inside— GAH!"

The moment she removed the lid, a bright creature flew out. Soon, it split into two before they fell on the table, ceasing their glow. By that time, Amy had dropped the box and was now hiding under the table, peeking up to see a lavender chao-like creature with butterfly wings and a blue peacock chao-like being beside it.

"Oh my..." the peacock rubbed her head. "Are you alright, Nooroo?"

"I think so, Duusu..." Nooroo groaned in pain.

They rubbed their eyes and turned see the carnation pink hedgehog staring. Duusu gasped and floated to look down down at her.

"Oh dear! Are you okay?" she asked.

"W-Wh-Who are you?!" Amy demanded. "What are you?!"

"Oh, we didn't mean to startle you," Nooroo went beside Duusu. "Hi there. I'm Nooroo, kwami of the butterfly miraculous. This is Duusu, kwami of the peacock miraculous,"

"K-Kwami? Wh-What's that?"

"We give superpowers based on the animal we're representing!" Duusu beamed.

"...superpowers?" Amy's eyes widened as she stood back up. "Like you two give butterfly and peacock magic?"

"Yes, but you must use only one of us since our power is too much for one being to handle alone," Nooroo explained. "Choose; the butterfly pin or the peacock pin?"

Amy glances down at the contents of the box then she reached down and took out the butterfly pin. Duusu nodded at Nooroo, who gulped, but forced in a smile.

"Just wear it for camouflage, my new butterfly mistress," the butterfly kwami said.

"Alright, then," Amy clipped the pin to the top of her dress, making it transform to a pink pink with a green 'A' on it that had a red ring around it. "Aw, cute! It even has the letter of my name!"

"To activate your powers," Nooroo went on. "all you have to say is 'Nooroo, Dark Wings Rise.',"

"Got it!" Amy grinned. "Nooroo, DARK WINGS RISE!"


"Ugh, Shadow's going to pay for making me do all his shit," Rouge groaned as she sat on her desk and did her paperwork. "Well, at least I can go see my Knux after all this hell,"

She took out her phone and scanned through her social media. "Now, let's see if I can see what my precious boyfriend echidna's up to~"

She scrolled down to her Friend's List and clicked on her boyfriend's profile. She went through the profile and went Knuckles's posts. Some were mainly shared memes and status updates, but when it came to a posted picture, a weird vibe ran down her spine at the picture.

It showed Knuckles getting ice cream at the nearby Ice Cream Parlor. Manic was with him as they took a selfie. The post's description said 'Sweet Hangout' with an ice cream emoji beside it.

"Eh," Rouge shrugged, knowing how close Manic and Knuckles were as she continued to scroll. "they're just hanging out,"

She went lower and lower until she found another posted picture. It had the description 'Surprise Cuddle' with a smiling and blushing emoji beside it. It showed Manic wrapping an arm around Knuckles's neck as the lime one nuzzled the cheek of the red echidna, who lightly blushed, smiling while taking the selfie.

Once again, a chill ran down her spine, but she shook it off and kept scrolling. "They're just friends... just friends... just... friends..."

She kept going down and down, desperate to find an explanation on the picture above. Soon, she stumbled upon a posted picture that made her freeze. Her hand gripped on the phone tightly, her eye twitching as she trembled.

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