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In G.U.N, Commander Abraham Towers was keeping every agent on their toes as they prepared for another war against their rivaling forces, Black Death.

You see, Abraham hadn't been the original army forces of Möbius. The original ones were Black Death and Möbius Protection Force (MPF). The three of them used to battle to the death, but soon Ogilvie who was the Chief Police Officer of the MPF, backed down, not wanting to be caught in a crossfire or a war. Maurice, who was Black Death's Head Assassin, however, would never back down, and neither did Abraham, so the two were stuck in an endless, deadly rivalry.

Anyway, as Abraham kept his agents fit and ready for battle, there was one agent he'd always use for weapon experiments; Shadow Hedgehog-Robotnik.

That day, he called him and his team, Team Dark, to the experimental lab, where his inventors were ready to try out their new weapon; The Chaos Crusher. It had been planned to be an ultimate weapon to finally take down Maurice to claim G.U.N's superiority.

"Another experiment?" Shadow folded his arms. "Not surprised this time,"

"The Chaos Crusher drains any creature with a level 10 Chaos Energy," Abraham explained. "Since you're the only one in this facility with the highest level of Chaos Energy, Agent Shadow, you are the only one who can survive to make sure this invention works out as it should,"

"And what if he doesn't survive?" Rouge Bat, Shadow's partner-at-work, didn't sound too happy about ANOTHER experiment that G.U.N was planning to inflict on Shadow.

"Based on the scans, there is a 67% chance that The Chaos Crusher might explode from too much Anti-Chaos use." Omega, Shadow and Rouge's robot teammate, reported. "Therefore killing those in contact of it."

"That's why only Shadow will be in the testing room with the machine," Abraham said. "Him and him alone,"

"You DO know that an info like that doesn't make me feel better, right?" Rouge raised an eyebrow. "And if I ain't happy with it, a few certain hedgehogs wouldn't be either, especially a certain cocky one who just retired this morning,"

They knew what she meant. Every since Shadow sided with the good guys, Sonic had fought hard to win him the rights of a normal citizen of Möbius. He begged his sister, who was the Crowned Princess, to do his request, and he even made a campaign for those who were treated as badly as Shadow.

Abraham shook his head. "This is FAR-OFF Sonic's business. He was here to save Möbius from Eggman. Nothing else,"

Shadow growled. He KNEW Sonic was capable of doing much more than protect them from Eggman. He might just be his rival, but he can read the azure hedgehog all too easily. Hearing his retirement that morning pisser him to limits beyond, but he soon shrugged it off. It wasn't his life, anyway. Why should he care?

"Commander, you've made a weapon to use against Sonic's own brother, and you're testing it on a hedgehog, whose rights Sonic fought so hard for," Rouge pointed out. "How is any of this NOT his business?"

"Maurice and I made our statements perfectly clear," Abraham scowled. "He doesn't want Sonic to get involved in any of this. Of course, I agreed since that hedgehog's been a pest for the time being..."

He turned to the ebony hedgehog and opened the door to the testing room. "Do not destroy the machine. It's the only working prototype we have. Understood?"

"Yes, Commander," Shadow grumbled before entering the room.

The machine glowed red as it was aimed at him. He stood his guard down and got into a battle stance. All of a sudden, the machine began to power up, it's cannon  slowly filling up with a fiery ball of red orange energy. A huge blast came after, filling the room with a blinding shine of red.

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