Bughog And Hedge Noir 2

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A/N Miraculous Ladybug episodes are full of lessons, so I'll do that too! The lesson last chapter was 'Be Brave to face Danger'. Can you guess the lesson in this chapter?



"Come in!" Sonic spoke as he stitched up a dress for his client.

"Hey there, bro!" Manic entered through the door, which he shut once he was inside. "Nice place you got here,"

"Hey, Manny," Sonic greeted with a brief wave before going back to his work. "How's life going?"

"Pretty good," Manic sat on a nearby chair and sighed. "Hey, guess what?"


"Knux and I are together!" Manic's eyes lit up in excitement. "Like officially together-together!"

"Not surprised there," Sonic chuckled. "Did Rouge take it well?"

"Knuckles is talking to her right now. I had to flee, so Rouge doesn't, like, kill me or blame me for the mess, like last time,"

Sonic gasped. "Wait, you and Knuckles got Rouge in danger with the akuma?!"

"Oh, so you've read my new void already," Manic grinned. "My second news was that I made a blog all about what happened and all about the two new superheroes that just arrived, but I guess you already saw it,"

"B-Blog?!" Sonic froze, stopping his stitching as his eyes widened. "You have a blog?!"

"Yeah!" Manic shoved his phone in front of his brother's face. "It's called the Miraculous Blog, starting Bughog and Hedge Noir!"

'Holy chaos...!' Sonic's jaw dropped in horror as he saw his big brother's blog. 'I am SO dead...'

"Uh, bro?" Manic raised an eyebrow at his shocked younger brother. "You okay?"

'Shoot! I can't let him know!' Sonic shook his head immediately and smiled widely. "Yeah! I'm TOTALLY, TOTALLY fine! I'm super-duper fine. I, uh, I just didn't know the blog about  Bughog and Hedge Noir belonged to you, but I'm fine! Totally fine..."

"Uh, okay...?!" Manic scratched his head, confused by the sudden tensity and nervousness in his brother's voice.

"Oh, look at the time!" Sonic briefly turned to his wall clock before standing and pushing the lime hedgehog out of the door. "I'm REALLY busy now that I'm running late with my client's order! Thanks for stopping by, Manny! Bye!"

With that, he slammed the door in front of a very confused Manic.

"Um... bye...?" the older hedgehog scratched his head as he turned to leave the building. 'That was super weird...'

Meanwhile, Sonic was in panic mode, clawing his quills as he paced around.

"Oh chaos, oh chaos, oh chaos..." he gritted his teeth. "First, a million reporters want to find out where I live, and now, my own brother is one of them, but for Bughog and Hedge Noir!"

He took out his phone and went to Manic's new blog. He looked through the contents, and his breathing began to hyperventilate, especially at the video posted when he and his partner told Rouge to rest, giving away their superhero names away, along with the name of the dangerous akumas. As he did, Tikki came out of the kitchen and curiously stared at what her holder was doing.


"GAH!" Sonic jumped and turned to the ladybug kwami. "Tikki!"

"Are you okay?" Tikki flew over to his side and looked down at the blog. "Oh no..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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