Chapter 1.

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Gulf's POV

"Welcome to TTTS Corp. I'm Puifai How can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked me.

"Sawadee P', I'm Gulf Kanawut. I'm here to talk to P'Mame about the internship position." I said, trying to not look like a nervous wreck

I mean, it's not every day a junior in college gets an executive position without a degree, even if it's only an internship.

"Alright, just hold on one minute."  P'Puifai then picked up the phone and her fingers glided over the buttons as she started to call up to the executive offices.

While she was one the phone I silently observed her. She was a beautiful woman, not older than 30, with long brunette hair, most of which was tied up in a bun, leaving some to hang near her temples. Her eyes seemed to have a glow to them with a slight brown color that lingered around the outer side of her iris. Her check bones were well defined, and overall, I was positively sure that she could be a fashion model if she wanted to.

As I discreetly looked at the rest of her, I realized that if I wasn't applying for an internship here, I probably would have tried to flirt with her or ask her out on a date.

Just then she hung up the phone and said, "P'Mame will be down in just a few minutes to come and get you. If you wish, you can go sit down or have a cup of coffee while you wait."

"Thank you." I said, still trying to keep my nervousness down, and walked over to the main lobby area and got myself a cup of hot coffee. But just as I was about to sit down I heard my name called.

I looked around to find a beautiful woman standing in front of me with an all black, and well-fitted, pant suite and a buttoned up black jacket to match. I looked at her face to find that she had dark brown eyes, which seemed to naturally complement her dark black hair color that flowed over her shoulders in lush curls.

Before it would become too much of an awkward silence of me just looking at her, I raised my hand and asked, "Mrs. Mame?"

"Yes, but please Gulf Right? just call me P'Mame. Oh and would you prefer me to call you Gulf or?" She said, grabbing my hand and giving it a firm handshake, which, not to be sexist, was quite impressive for someone who was almost 2 inches shorter than me, even with the heels she was wearing.

"Gulf would be fine" I said, letting go of her hand.

"Alright! Now if you'll just follow me, I'll show you to where you be part of the time you're here." Quickly turning around, she made her way over to the elevators and pressed the up button. Within seconds the bell dinged and the doors opened.

"Part of the?" I asked, a little confused as we walked on to the elevator and she press the 26th floor button, which also looked to be the top floor.

"Yes. While you are working here as an intern, you will not only be my executive assistant, but you will also be, for lack of a better phrase, running around the building and talking to the inter departments, while I deal with the executives. In addition, you will come to the executive meeting I have once a week to help me present everything that is going on within the company."

"Sounds like fun." I said, not so sure at to what I would normally say.

"Hahaha! Yes, it can be pretty fun."

The bell with in the elevator rang, signaling our arrival to the 26th floor. The doors opened to a spacious room that housed painting of forestry and other abstract painting on both of the walls next to the elevators.

Below the paintings, there were several plants and some couches that were scattered equally throughout the side. The walls were colored in a reddish brown color that was a few shades litter that mahogany.

Following P'Mame, we turned several corners until we came to stop in front of a large room where almost all of the walls were made of glass. Looking closer, you could see that there was a quite large cubical that was most likely going to be my space. Beyond the large space was a huge office that had P'Mame's name on it.

"Well here we are." P'Mame said while pointing at the desk in front of me. On top of the desk was a basket of food, a coffee mug, and even some of those little coffee pods you would put inside of the Keurig coffee brewers.

"What's this for?" I asked, generally surprised at the gift that was given to me.

"Well, I know from first hand how scary your first day at a large corporation can be and how much coffee you'll need in order to get through the day. Plus, if you go down the hall you'll find the executive staff room where you'll also find the coffee brewer for those coffee packets. Truthfully, my favorite packets are the English Toffee, but, on a separate note, feel free to unpack your things and relax a little bit. Oh and if have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!" P'Mame said as she disappeared into her office.

"Thank you" I said as I sat down. I started up the Mac desktop and logged in with the username and password I had been given the other day.

Before I could open up my email and set it up on the computer, P'Mame walked out of the room with some papers in hand and gave them to me.

"Don't look so horrified." I quickly looked at the glare of the computer to find that I did in fact have a slightly scared look on my face. Must have been from her holding all those papers

"These are just for the meeting we have in a 30 minutes. I know I said to relax, but I kind of forgot that I wanted you to be at the executive meeting to get a feel of what it's like."

She then took out some paper from the files, "So here are the copies to the documents that I'll be giving out and I was hoping that you could go ahead of me to the meeting room and start setting things up. I should be in there in about 15 minutes. I just have some project I need to finish up."

"Quick question, what do I do if someone asks me why I'm there?" I asked her, not having gotten my employee bag yet.

"Puifai at the front desk didn't give you a bag?" She asked.

I simply shook my head in return

"Well if someone asks, just tell them that you're my new assistant. After the meeting, we'll go to the Human Resource office and get you your bag."

Nodding my head, I closed my computer and picked up the documents, making my way to the conference room. After taking several turns, I came to a realization that I had no idea as to where I was going. I looked around, hoping I could find someone where the room was, but I came up blank.

Trying to back track, I finally found a room labeled "Conference Room" by sheer luck. Walking in, I began to place a packet of document in front each seat around the table until I heard a deep toned voice of pure authority resonate behind me.

"Who are you?"

Mr. CEO & the Intern (MewGulf)Where stories live. Discover now