Chapter 7.

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Gulf's POV

As I walked along the hallway going back to P'Mame's Office to return the documents, my hear t was pounding loudly. Anytime now, my heart would burst

What is this feeling?

I arrived infront of P'Mame's door and breathed in heavily,

Now is the time to work Gulf

*Knock knock*

"Come in", I opened the door and saw P'Mame arranging some files on her desk

I walked towards her desk and handed over the documents,

"P'Mame, here are the documents signed by Mr. Suppasit"

She took the papers off of my hand and scanned through it

"Thanks, you may now leave"

"Thank you P'.", I said as I bowed down

I approached the door and was about to reach the handle when P'Mame called me,


I slowly turned around, "Yes P'?"

P'Mame was looking at me with a devilish-like smile on her face. Both of her hands were placed on her desk as she leaned,

"By any chance, have you and Mew met before?", she smirked

"NO P'!", I suddenly yelled 

It didn't take half a second before I reacted. My mouth just opened on its own. Should I even mention that the moment she asked that question, my eyes instantly grew huge and my heart started pounding fast again, 


P'Mame then stood up and apporached me slowly. I tried to maintain eye contact but the nervousness of what she was going to say or going to do next kept me from looking at her

She placed her right hand on my left shoulder which made me jumped a bit

"Why are you nervous all of a sudden?", she teased. The smirk on her face was still there

"U-uh. N-nothing P'", I muttered as I forced a smile

Beads of sweat started to form on my eyebrow, How long is this interrogation going to last?

P'Mame folded her arms and raised her eyebrow,

"Everytime you're with Mew, you act unnatural hmm", she said in a teasing tone

I quickly wiped the drop of sweat on my face as I composed myself,

"It's because he..", I paused for a moment as I looked around the room, making sure no one was trying to gossip

P'Mame anxiously waited for what I was about to say, her smirk was now becoming the devil's grin

"...he's my boss!"

P'Mame hissed, "I'Gulf"

Her reaction made me chuckle. Her face was full of disappointment and annoyance. It was like she didn't got the answer she wanted.

P'Mame then sighed, "Uh-Okay Gulf, I believe you. Now go finish some work"

I sighed in relief, I thought P'Mame was going to say something about that night. I thought that she knew something between me and the CEO

"O-Okay Khrup, I'll take my leave now P'", I muttered as I bowed leaving the room in an instant

I quickly got back to my desk and fainted on my seat. I then dropped my head down on the desk and groaned,

"Why does this keep on happening to me?"

I tilted my head to the side and looked at the clock to see that there was still 6 more hours before I would be done. 

Over the next few hours, the day was hectic. I had to go to each of the departments to receive the company reports and then rush back up to P'Mame's office to hand her the documents. It was like a marathon. Any chances I had time to sit down, P'Mame would ring the intercom asking me to go to this office, get this, get that. All day long, work stacked on top of each other. It was never ending

What do you expect from the country's top company, the demand was high. I even had to slip lunch as new files were given to me for me to type and send as emails.

By the time 4 pm came, I was exhausted. The hassle had eventually died down. I survived.

Now, I was just finishing up the last parts of an email P'Mame told me to send out to all the departments concerning next week's meetings.

As I finished typing, I then packed up my bag, closed my computer and left my cubicle and headed towards P'Mame's office. I was finally on my way home after a long day.

I entered P'Mame's office and handed her the files

"P', I already emailed all the departments with regards to the meeting next week"

"Good, Thank you Gulf"

"No Problem P', I'll go home now"

As I was about to reach for the door handle, P'Mame called my name again, "Gulf"

Everytime I'm about to leave, why do things keep on happening?

I turned around and smiled, "Yes P'?"

"Mew called me to tell you that you need to go to his office"

I was confused. I already finished all the work needed to be done today, yet the CEO still called for me

Did I do something wrong?

Puzzled I asked P'Mame, "What for P'?"

P'Mame looked at me

"I don't know he just asked me awhile ago"

I just want to go home, I cried to myself

I then took a deep sigh and said, "Okay P', I'll pass by his office before leaving. Thank you"

P'Mame then nodded

I exited her office and immediately rushed to Mr. Suppasit's. My hand shakily knocked on the door.

"Come in,", Mr. Suppasit's voice beckoned on the other side. Hearing his voice alone made me anxious.

I opened the door, entering quietly inside trying to maintain a professional attitude and not choke up with fear and anxiety

I entered the room and saw him sitting on the large, dominant black chair, focused entirely on his desktop computer

I approached his desk and cleared my throat,

"Mr. Suppasit, you called for me?", I asked

Silence filled the room as I anxiously waited for the reason of him calling me. He then suddenly stopped typing and slowly looked at me. His brown eyes met with mine

"P'Mame told me everything."


Mr. CEO & the Intern (MewGulf)Where stories live. Discover now