Chapter 2.

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Mew's POV

Ugh, my head is spinning from drinking too much last night, I thought to myself as I massaged my temple


The elevator came to a stop with a ding and the doors opened.

Just to let you know, a lot of people say that I'm a hard ass, that I have no emotions, and that I'm always in a pissed off mode or look angry, which only adds to the superficial thoughts people throw towards me due to my wealth.

Yes, I'm rich. No, It's not because of my family. My Grandfather, who is now dead, may have started the company, but I was the one who took the small local construction company he created, and turned it into the most successful construction company in Thailand. I worked hard to get this far and get to where I am.

But enough about my life, I have work to do.

Walking down the hallway to my office, I made the 3 long turns and came to the place I spent most of my time while I was here.

"Hi P'Mew, I mean Mr. Suppasit! Your coffee is waiting for you, there haven't been any messages, and your executive meeting starts in 5 minutes in the conference room." Puifai, the company's receptionist, said.

"Thank you." I stopped in my tracks when I took a closer look and saw that she was wearing a lot more makeup than usual and her cleavage was showing.

"Did you do something different?" I asked not wanting to sound too rude.

She immediately blushed and shook her head. I then gave her a smile and walked forward into my office. I was starting to think that Puifai was taking her position a bit too lightly. I mean she's a great staff, at times, but there have been some occasions where she would hit on me or try to flirt with me and, unfortunately for her, I was neither attracted nor interested in her.

After booting up my computer, I refreshed my email page, just to check if there had been any new things to deal with, and as always, there were 40 new messages since I last checked 20 minutes ago.

Taking a deep breath, I picked up my mug of warm coffee, shut my computer, and headed out of the office, not giving Puifai another look. Lately she's been getting ... clingy, I guess you could say, and I was trying my hardest to ignore her. True I could fire her, but I had made myself a deal. One incident occurred then she would be let go.

Walking through the hallway, I picked up a scent of cologne that I had never smelt before. It was, I don't know, intoxicating. I smelled of Old Spice and green apples. I'm sure that sounds like a weird mix, but somehow it was inviting.

Unknowingly, I started to follow the scent and, surprisingly, the more I followed it, I found myself coming up outside of v the conference room where I was supposed to have my meeting in several minutes.

Puifai may have said the something about a meeting, but I always have my trusted friend and HR Manager, P'Mame, tell me when it actually starts in 25 to 30 minutes.

As I approached the room, looking at my clock seeing I still had 15 minutes till the meeting started, I saw an unfamiliar face already inside.

As I looked at this person, his head was a mess of black hair. Going down his neck, I could see that the guy had slightly broad shoulders that filled out his shirt remarkably well as the muscles under his skin rolled gracefully across the fabric. My eyes ran down his back, taking in every detail of the stranger's body.

"Why does he look familiar?", I thought to myself

All of a sudden, a huge urge to go over him and make him look around came over me. I actually got shocked when my foot began to move forward, stopping it before I could take a step. I then opened the door and asked ,

"Who are you?" I asked trying to sound intimidating with my husky voice as I kept my face emotionless.

The moment I opened my mouth, I saw shiver running down his spine.

The man turned around, and I was finally given the chance to look at his facial features. The moment our eyes met, his face suddenly became stiff as a rock and his lips started to look pale

What's with the expression ?

Looking at him this close, you could easily see that his jaw line was prominent. He had eyes shade of hazelnut brown that I had never seen before. Yes, it was a normal brown with some slight hazel aspects around the outer iris, but for some reason, these eyes were too different than other brown eyes I had seen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still trying to maintain my emotionless face

Before I could get to hear what his voice sounded like, P'Mame walked into the room.

"Oh, Mew, I'm glad I got here just in time.", She greeted

P'Mame already saw me talking to the man infront of me when she entered the room. She walked towards us and placed his hand on the guy's shoulders

"This is the new intern Nong Gulf Kanawut. He'll be working here for the next few months." She said, taking a stance off to the side of me.

I looked over at her then back at Gulf and just nodded my head and walked over to my chair

As I sat down, I made a quick look at P'Mame and saw her eyeing me while making her way to her seat. With a confused and wondering expression, she looked at me in the eyes and was gesturing his head trying to point at Gulf who was already sitting down beside her

"What?", I silently mouthed

Looking at Gulf all tensed up at his seat and back to P'mame, it was pretty obvious that she was trying to say something. Before Gulf could look over at me, I broke my emotionless face and gave P'Mame a well-deserved glare that stated come talk to me after this

P'Mame then smirked, trying to suppress her smile. She then glanced away from me to Gulf and asked him if he had set everything up for the presentation.

As their conversation went on, one by one the other executive's walked into the room and took their normal seats and started to look through the documents just before the presentation. I too picked up the packets of documents, but was completely unable to understand them, due to my mind constantly going back to this Gulf and the face he made when he saw me.

Who is this guy?

Mr. CEO & the Intern (MewGulf)Where stories live. Discover now