Chapter 4.

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Gulf's POV

Back to the meeting, I slightly looked to my side to see that Mr. Suppasit, P'Mew, was looking at me

While his face was nothing more than a mask, I could see the anonymity mixed with interest and curiosity in his eye. 

The look scared me. 

I didn't know what he was thinking. I didn't even know if he can still remember what happened last night. It made me feel vulnerable and violated.

I quickly looked away from him, realizing that I had been also staring at him, both of us holding each other's stares for far longer than I liked. I wanted nothing more but to run out of this room and get away from those eyes.

P'Mame was my savior when she ended her presentation, and brought everyone up to date on what was currently happening throughout the company.

I was sad to say that, due to Mr. Suppasit, I hadn't taken any notes and wouldn't have understood what we had gone over, if I hadn't skimmed over the documents earlier.

"Are there any questions? Mr. Suppasit?" P'Mame said 

I looked up to her face as she said his name, and then looked at Mr. Suppasit from the corner of my eye. I was happy to no longer have his stare focused solely on me.

"No, P'Mame. But if you could, please send me any other documents you have regarding our current projects and their status. Meeting adjourned."

With that I stood abruptly and walked straight for the door, passing by P'Mame along the way.

"I need to use the restroom if that's alright?", I asked

She nodded her head and smiled at me, which, truthfully, I didn't understand why she had to since I was only going to the restroom

Not wanting to get caught with Mr. Suppasit looking at me with his gaze, I forgot about it and virtually ran to the restroom. I opened the door to the executive bathroom to find it was utterly barren, with only myself to occupy it.

I walked over to the biggest stall, closed it, and leaned against the wall that was facing the stall door. 

"I'Gulf What are you thinking about" I said to myself as I scratched my head

I could still feel the heat in my cheeks. It was no wonder, with him being nothing less then a tall, well-built, gladiator. With those broad shoulders and chest that were roped with muscle, his strong jaw line that gave him an even stronger looking chin, and--

"Wait, what the hell!" I thought to myself, catching the thoughts that were running through my head. 

Now isn't the time Gulf

I moaned out in annoyance. Thankfully, no one else was in the restroom with me, or so I had originally thought.

I opened the stall, thinking it would be best to splash some water on my face and calm my body down.

As I passed through the door, I stopped in my tracks to see man with a broad back and well-built shoulders before me. He was in front of the sinks that were near the door, fixing his tie. 

Why couldn't it be someone else? I thought to myself, cautiously walking up to the sink closest to the door, in case I had to run.

I kept my eyes down, only looking at the sink and water pouring from the faucet. I tried my hardest to not look up at his reflection in the mirror in front of him, but it seemed that my eyes, again, had other ideas.

Slowly looking up from under my lashes I saw that Mr. Suppasit, still facing the mirror, was looking at me. Curiosity was written all over his face.

I knew at that very moment that he had to have heard me groan inside the cubicle and must have thought it to be from something other than my annoyance.

What a luck, I thought to myself

I pulled my hand out of the running water, no longer wanting to splash some of it on my face, and instead went for the soap. However, as I went for the soap, so did he.

I gasped when my hand grazed over his and a bundle of electricity ran up my arm, through my body. It took all I had to keep me from showing tense and uneasiness on my face. 

"Are you alright, Gulf?" I heard my name roll of his tongue, and I couldn't help the tremor that ran down my spine as I swallowed a plum.

" me!" 

Barely being able to get those two words out of my mouth, or air into my lungs for that matter I burst passed the restroom door and briskly walked along the hallway. I took a turn and stopped. 

Leaning my back and head against the wall, I took a few moments to catch my breath. After several seconds of panting, my breathing slowed down and I was able to take a few deep breaths.

It was an understatement to say that I was stunned. I was beyond bewildered at why my body had become so rigid, on it's own accord, just from being near the man. Or from even the slightest touch.

"Gulf, Focus!", I thought to myself as I slapped my face

Taking my time I walked back to my new desk and sat down. After a few seconds, P'Mame came out of her office with a stack of papers and an aggravated look on her face.

I was hoping that I was the reason why she was upset; I must have been gone for hours.

"Ah, Gulf, there you are." She said, coming around the desk with a cold look on her face, only for it to melt into a face of worry.

"Gulf, are you all right? You look as pale as a ghost."

"Yeah! ... I just got a little nauseous in the bathroom, that's all." I said, making up a quick lying

I thought it might be better to tell her that, rather than saying that I made out with her boss last night and just a few minutes ago, I was with him alone in the bathroom, again.

"Well, I was going to ask you where you've been for the past 25 minutes, but from the look of it. I would much rather you go home." She said placing the papers on the corner of my desk, then placing her hand on my head.

"Are you sure? What about the phones and paperwork?" I asked, surprised at how motherly she had become, after having only known me for a few hours.

"Of course. Don't worry, I'll take care of those things; you just go home and get better. Hopefully you'll be back tomorrow and I can show you around the building." 

I was about to argue with her, but when I looked in her eyes to see the determination and slight anger, I knew it would wise to just do as she said.

I nodded my head and started to pack up my things as she picked up the papers and, more or less, stormed off towards whosever's office she was going to. 

I couldn't help but think that she was mad at me, and on top of that, I was bit concerned for the person who was going to be at the receiving end of her wrath.

Atleast everything's good.....for now

Mr. CEO & the Intern (MewGulf)Where stories live. Discover now