Chapter 3.

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Gulf's POV

As soon as P'Mame began the presentation, I took my seat.

I tried to listen attentively to the meeting to take down notes but the guy sitting in the middle kept me from being able to focus on the meeting

I swear I could feel him staring at me the whole time and it was not helping me, especially in my first day of internship.

I had never felt so much nervousness in all my life from just one person. It was a strange feeling to have a guy look at me like that. I was normally the one to be in the corner and was never noticed.

Truth be told, me and this man had already met before, by before I mean just last night.

Here's what happened

Mild, my spoiled rich friend, invited me along with our other friends at an expensive club

We did the things college students would usually do on a Thursday night, party and have fun but I, knowing that it would be my first day of internship the following day, decided to drink just a little

Unlike my friends who were dancing and drinking on the dance floor, I stayed on our table finishing around 4 bottles of beer

My friend Mild, on the other hand, drank 10 shots of vodka and I don't know how many bottles of beer, he became so wasted that he couldn't get himself to stand up just to go to the restroom

As his best friend, I didn't want anybody to see Mild puke or pee in public, it would ruin his face. I then took the task of accompanying him to the restroom.

Inside the restroom, I was patiently waiting for Mild to finish. The bathroom had 3 cubicles and 4 urinals, Mild was inside one of the cubicles

"Ey Mild, are you done?" I asked

"Nmnmnnnot yettt ehehe", He mumbled

You don't have a hope Ai'Mild, I thought to myself

While waiting for Mild to finish, a man, wearing what looked like to be a corporate suit, came in stumbling in the bathroom. He was struggling to keep his balance that his legs wobbled around.

No one was around the bathroom that time , well except for me and Mild who was still busy puking his guts out, so I decided to help him. As I approached, the harsh scent of alcohol emitted from him

I then pulled him up and asked, "Hey P', Are you okay?"

"Mmff.. typ... break upf"

This person was too wasted that his words became incomprehensible

Why am I always the one looking after drunk people

"Hey P'" I said as I shaked him

His head then dropped down on my shoulder

Looking at him, I noticed that he was pretty handsome. He had facial features perfect for a model

"P', are you with someone?" I asked again gently slapping his face trying to wake him up

With sunken eyes, the man slowly lifted his head and looked at me. He then grabbed my face with his left hand and muttered,


I looked at him with complete confusion

He then leaned in close tome, "Why did you break up with me?"

Removing his hand from my face, I then told him

"Hey P', you're mistaking me for so--"

The next thing I knew, he slammed his lips to mine, nearly knocking all the wind from my lungs. I wanted to pull away but he already held my head in his hands.


I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips, and gained access inside my mouth.

The strong scent of alcohol exchanged as his tongue tried to reach the places it could possibly can inside my mouth

He was a good kisser that everytime he sucked on my tongue, I can't help but moan


In this moment, my senses have been seduced. I can no longer think straight.

It's because of that damn alcohol

As our breathes intermingled, my hands reached up and grabbed his thick, strong neck. He did the same. With every push of his tongue against mine, I could feel the slight burn of the alcohol as it rolled off my tongue and seeped down my throat

For a moment, I pulled away from him, gasping for air. He then grabbed my head and pulled me back locking our lips again. As we shared another fiery kiss, he then ran his lips down on my neck, landing intense kisses on my skin. I was completely aroused that I didn't stop myself from arching

As he slowly made his way back up to my lips, landing kisses on the path he makes, he t--


P'Mame's voice snapped me from my trance


I blankly looked at P'Mame

"Did you write that down?", She asked patiently waiting for my response

What?, I thought to myself

I didn't know how long I was staring at the screen, lost in my own mischievous thoughts

"A-a-yes P'", I stuttered

P'Mame then nodded, "Good, now moving on.."

As P'Mame continued talking, I can't stop cursing at myself for being distracted in the middle of an important meeting

What the fuck Gulf?

In frustration, I then took out my pen and wrote down random words on the paper. The events of what happened last night seemingly kept on replaying inside my head.

"Shit", I sighed

I still can't believe that the guy I made out with last night is sitting a few meters away from me, what's worse, he is now my boss!

Why does it have to be like this?

Mr. CEO & the Intern (MewGulf)Where stories live. Discover now