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"As-salmu alekum wa rahmatullah, as-salamu alekum wa rahmatullah" I finished up my morning prayer before heading to school

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"As-salmu alekum wa rahmatullah, as-salamu alekum wa rahmatullah" I finished up my morning prayer before heading to school.

"Amal!!! You're gonna be late if you don't come down right now" I heard my mom yell and turned around to check my bed-clock.

Ya Allah! I gotta move fast. And now! I put on my black abaya with pink flowers at the side paring it with a pink scarf which took me like 2 min to change out of my pajamas. Here's the thing with abayas, it so easy to wear and when you just don't feel like being pretty and putting on a different clothes to find out which one looks good on you.

Taaaadddaa abaya is here to help you out of your misery.

Satisfied with how I looked after I put on some lip gloss and mascara I went out of my room to the kitchen. My house was not THAT big but not THAT small either, it was just the perfect size for 3 people to live in. When I reached the kitchen the watch on my wrist went off indicating that I worked myself to much. I looked down at it and it showed my pulse which was 90 now. I sighed as I saw my parents tense up ready to run to me if something happened. Like fainting or dying on spot.

I got really tired of this watch that I got from my doctor for me to check on my pulse. it should not be over 100 and less than 60 so that means not doing anything really. But I'm not one to follow the steps of my doctor as my parents constantly tells me to. Allah will take me when it's my time, no doctor and some watch can tell me when I will lose my life. I mean they already did but here I am breathing now, don't I? I was born with poor heart condition and was expected to die right away but I continued to live, the doctors tried -still tries- to find out how that is possible.

"Good morning mom, dad" I gave them both a kiss on the cheek as they both relaxed on their seats.

"Good morning dear. Judging by how you going around this morning, you want a ride to school" my dad stated and I just gave him a cheeky grin.

I'm not lazy in the mornings, I'm what you call a morning person but when I purposely sleep in for a couple of minutes just so dad will a give me ride to school which he finds out right away. My school take max 20 min to walk and that's a great morning exercise, considering I don't exercise at all because of my condition. But sometimes I just don't feel like walking there, you know? No? Okay.

Drinking up the last drop of my coffee I stood up as dad went to grab his keys.

"I'm going mom." I kissed her sujood (forehead).
"May Allah guard you" she smiled.
"Yo how you doing?" my best friend Lisa popped her head behind my locker door.

Lisa is American and Christian now I know what you're thinking. Why is a Christian girl friends with a Muslim girl? Listen up people, She's the closest friend I have and I refuse that our differences separates us. I know we have a different religion, culture and even lifestyle but that's what makes us friends, accepting our differences. Besides I'm the ONLY Muslim girl in the entire school so I don't see why I can't befriend people with different religion unless you want me to be a loner.

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