3. Old Friends

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I knocked on the door and when I heard a response I entered

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I knocked on the door and when I heard a response I entered. Expecting to see Omar I instead saw an older version of him. He had the same raven hair but the eyes were not the same. This man had a pair of piercing hazel eyes as Omar had blue eyes. This man had a longer hair and beard than Omar too. Yes I know how he looked from what I have seen on the social media, remember? I stalked the guy. I'm assuming it's his father that was in front of me.

"Is there anything you needed?"

"I think there's been a mistake. I was searching for Omar, not you sir." I said which made his eye wide.

"Omar?" He asked shock. Then to my surprise he laughed. "Have a seat"
So I sat but awkwardly. I was not one to ignore one's request. 

"So are you and Omar friends?" He smiled. This man is warmer than he looked. He looked like he was about to murder someone.

"K-kind of? We're schoolmates and he happened to have something of mine."

"How did you guys meet? Is he open to you? Do you guys hang out?"


After he saw my confused face he added. "I never saw his friends except one. And it's kinda unusual to see a girl as his friend really, that's why I'm shocked. As his father I'm worried about his social life."

He's just worried about Omar

"I understand, you're a parent, it's only natural that you're worried about him." I smiled.

"You're nice although you're familiar to me." He narrowed his eyes.

As I was about to ask from where though I never seen him before, a knock on the door interrupted us.

"Come in"

The door opened and revealed Omar in a clean grey suit that hugged his body. Although it sounded like I stared for a long time, I didn't. At least he didn't notice me as he went straight past me to his father with a file in his hand.

"Here's the file you needed..." he stopped and turn at the side to look straight at me. His face was expressionless and an intimidating aura was radiating from him. What made me freeze on spot was his eyes. Right then I was staring at a pair of electric blue eyes. They're so vibrant it felt unreal. 

"I didn't know you had company. Sorry for the interruption." He said with a stern voice. This son of Adam didn't looked apologetic at all.

His father lifted his eyebrows. "Aren't you going to say hello to your friend."

"Friend?" The word come out of his mouth like he never heard of it before. And that was my cue. I can't blame the guy, he never saw my face before. I stood up and introduced myself. "I don't think we officially met yet. I'm Amal Rachid."

Expecting Omar to speak, I instead heard his father gasp loud. "No wonder you looked familiar. You're Karim Rachid's daughter right?" I nodded confused.

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