4. Another Mission

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"Be happy it drives people crazy

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"Be happy it drives people crazy."

It was reliving to find that Mrs Uthman who asked to call her aunt Yasmine was nice.

We Muslim women don't take our husbands last name when we get married but our children take their father's name which makes my name Amal Karim Rachid and Omar's name Omar Ismail Saleh. But in London we have our grandfather's name as our last name.

I told aunt Yasmine that we were old neighbors and that made her shook. She was like 'no way. Are you really the little cutie girl?' And things like that. We then talked about how her and my mom were old best friends and that they got married at the same time and that they still had contact even after we moved 14 years ago. I don't remember them to be honest and I don't blame myself because I was only 4 then.

Eventually I got her number that I registered on my phone that I got from Omar before he left as they had so much to talk about.
I didn't realized the time went fast when my phone ringed with the mahgrib athan.

Allahumma rabba hadhihi-d-da'awati-t-tammati wa-s-Salati-l-qa'imati, ati Muhammadan il-wasilata wa-l-fadilata (wa-d-darajata-r-rafi'ati) wa-b'ath-hu maqamam mahmudan illadhi wa'adtahu (innaka la tukhliful mi'ad). I made dua silently. (O Allah, Lord of this most perfect call, and of the Prayer that is about to be established, grant to Muhammad (SAW) the favor of nearness (to You) and excellence and a place of distinction, and exalt him to a position of glory that You have promised him.)

I glanced at aunt Yasmine only to find her looking at me with admire sparkling in her eyes. "Let's go, I'll show you the restroom for you to make wudu."

I smiled and whispered a thank you.

After I made wudu I prayed with auntie in another big and fancy room made only for prayers. I asked auntie if we could pray together because Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The prayer in congregation is twenty seven times superior to the prayer offered by person alone."

They were a lot of copies of the quran and Islamic stories lined up in a big shelf in the room. The walls had a beautiful pattern and on the ground was covered with a prayer mat (sajda).

I'll just say it was a beautiful room.

As soon as we prayed and made our dua I finally announced that I needed to go.

"Aunt Yasmine it was really great to chat with you but I need to go, it's getting dark and my parents are probably getting worried."

"Of course, I had a great time too. I will call driver to drive you home." She said while getting up.

"No need to, I'll take the bus."

"I can't let a young girl take the bus at this hour."

"Its really fine."

"No." she firmly said.

I guess I can't change her mind.
We were on our way to the front door when the door opened by itself. No silly. If the door really opened by itself I would already jump out the window and run away like crazy.

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