Chapter 55

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[Trigger Warning: Suicidal Thoughts]


Soft thuds of Hoseok's bare feet were heard, his body being protected by a long coat to hide his work clothes.

Wincing in pain from his lower body, he forced himself to enter.


Once in their small crumpy apartment, no one answered. Hoseok sighs, gambling yet again....

Now in their tiny apartment, he stresses at all the mess. Despite it being small, they couldn't even clean it well.

Dust and combwebs were the first thing you see going in. A week worth of dirty dishes in the sink, probably gotten even dirtier from the group of cockroaches scavenging for food. Beer bottles everywhere that were empty or half empty, and half-eaten chip bags.

In short their place was a mess.

It always had been.

Hoseok isn't surprised, it's always been like this. Chansung was the lazy type.

The type to not clean up and leave the house to waste all their (Hoseok's) hard earned money on bets and gambles.

But it's okay, it's all good.

Telling himself as Hoseok drags his sore body to their squeaky bed that they haven't changed the sheets for who knows how long. Collapsing on it with a groan coming out of him.

'I hate this, I hate everything about it, god kill me just kill me I hate this life, just end it all',

Staring at the bland colored wall these thoughts were chanting in his head. He wants nothing more then someone to hold him close, someone to cuddle him, and whisper sweet words.

Like in fairytales, how the prince kiss the princess in the end. Showering her in affection, how romantic.

Hoseok loves watching them as a kid, seeing how from one glance, they knew. That they were meant to be.

Chansung was never like that.

He only gave him a peck on the lips, never a passionate kiss. A quick hug, not once a full embrace filled with warmth.

Hoseok questioned what he saw in him that made him come out to his parents and got kicked out from his family. He really wonders.

He stayed still on the bed, feeling the sore pain of his ass from how rough the guy fucked him. And his feet probably filled with blister from waking in heels to attract clients.

But this is fine. It's all fine. This was his life now, he can't change it even if he wanted to.

buzz buzz

His phone lit up, and it was a message.

Boss: there's a free slot for a private event at 10, they want someone they can fuck, you in?

Clenching his phone tightly, he buried himself in the mattress.

Seok: Fuck yeah I'm in


This is fine.

Jin seeing all his (uninvited) friends squishing on a four person couch.

This is totally fine.

With him being sandwiched by Hyun-Ok and Jaehwan on another couch just across theirs. Watching them awkwardly, as these friends struggle to fit in the small furniture.

"There's still a spot here you know.." Jaehwan patted on the free space next to him, but it was no used.

"No thanks" Hoseok quickly replied "We really like being next to each other",

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