Chapter 58

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"N-No! I can do better! I promise! I promise! ",


The belt hits his skin strong, it came back in seconds as Namjoon tries to hold back his screams.

It hurts, it hurts so bad.

His back may be bright red now with how many times his father whipped it on him. His mother was on the side, glaring down on him as if he was a disappointment. Namjoon is a disappointment.

The punishment lasted for a while longer before he passed out.

He wakes up, groggy, his back hurts and he feels like dying right then and there, but he knows if he doesn't get up soon he'll receive an even worst punishment. He picks himself off the floor slowly, wincing at the pain before slinking away to his room.

'Why did I have to be born into this kind of family.'

Kim Namjoon, the only son of the owner of Kim Co. He had, read that closely, HAD an older sister, but had moved out as soon as she was legal. He envies her so much.

Biting his lip, and holding back any sound that signified his pain. As soon as he was locked up in his own room, he dropped down against his door and let out the tears he held back.

"Do better Namjoon" He whispered in the dark and clenched his hands until his nail bit into his skin.

"At least it wasn't as bad as last time" He winced at the thought, and slowly gets up to dress his own wounds.

This was a regular in the Kim Household. He could say that it even helps, and he has been used to it.

He always wished that he could have an escape.

"I have school tomorrow," He opened up to no one, and hissed at the burn of the peroxide.

Young Namjoon always thought as a new year rolled around, he'd finally have an escape from pushy and suffocating parents.

But he's given up this year.

He gets out of the car, bows to the driver and walks to his class.

While walking he notices a figure approach him.

'Ah, this kid again...what was his name again??'

"Namjoon! Good morning!" The guy greets him, it's informal and not anything Namjoon would expect from an acquaintance.

"Yes? what do you need?" He smiled, knowing that it's what he should show people.

"E-Eh? Uh, nothing really! I just wanted to greet you is all" The guy smiles, its obviously shaky and fake.

'Ah, he's waiting for a certain moment, well okay then'

Namjoon just nods and continues with his persona for the day.

It's around lunchtime, he's once again approached by said guy and a few of his friends.

"Namjoon! Meet my friends!"

Namjoon greets each of them, the smile never leaving it's place.

'Ah, I think I know what this is about.'

He notices that the guy-

"Hey what was your name again?" Namjoon asks, bluntly.

"Huh?" hmm, he sounds aggravated, he can also hear snickering come from his two companions.

"I-It's W-Wooyeon",

'Bingo' He smirks to himself.

"Ah? I already knew that I meant your surname" Namjoon smiles, dimples in the display.

[COMPLETED] STALKER/S || JIN CENTRIC FFWhere stories live. Discover now