Chapter One: The Radio Demon

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"Excuse me, sir? Do you know where I can find a demon by the name of... Angel Dust?"

A grumpy demon turns around and looks you up and down.

"What, you mean the porn star? He may be a worldwide sensation in all of Hell, but I can offer you much more than he can, sweetcakes." The man grunts, moving a bit closer to you, invading your personal space.

"Yeah, no. Know where I can find him, though?" You speak up, taking a step back in disgust while still trying to maintain your confidence.

"Sure I do. He's been hanging around the, uh... what do they call it again? Herpes Hotel... Hefty Hotel..." The man can't seem to wrap his finger around the name.

"You mean the Happy Hotel?" You speak.

"Yeah, that's it. The place where people think their souls can be redeemed. Fuck, what a rip off. 'Prolly just some 'ol money grab they got going there." The man continues.

You nod, "Thanks."

And with that, you're off on your 'jolly' way.


Road to Redemption


"Well, I'm starved! Who wants some jambalaya?!"

Your eyes widen.

GASP. That's the Radio Demon...! One of the most powerful demons in all of Hell... Goddamnit, Danny! Why must you get yourself tangled up in these situations? What a great brother I have.

The Radio Demon continues, "My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya! In fact, it nearly killed her! Hahaha! You could say the kick was right out of hell! Ohohoho, I'm on a roll! Yes sir, this is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set!"

You look up at the building the group of demons are heading towards.

Is this really the place? Looks like a drug house to me.

The sign above the building you're hiding behind turns from "Happy Hotel" to "Hazbin Hotel" with the snap of the Radio Demon's fingers.

You don't question that at all, and take a deep breath before emerging from behind the wall of the building and following closely behind the Radio Demon and the other demons you've never seen before.

Well, except for the blonde one.

You could've sworn you've seen her somewhere before.

Singing, maybe...? Fighting with a reporter...? Eh, maybe not.

"I'm gonna be downright honest with you all right now...! I've never had jambalaya before." A white spider demon speaks up.

The Radio Demon gasps, "Angel, you rapscallion! Guess I'll just have to show you how delicious it is!"

Angel Dust smirks, "You know what else I bet is delicious?"

"No! I don't!" The demon says with his radio-like voice.

Just as Angel is about to open his mouth to respond, the girl with white hair and a red X across her eye speaks up.

"So, what now? If Mr. Radio Demon plans to help with the hotel, surely he has some ideas as to what we should do."

"Don't put him on the spot like that, Vaggie!" The blonde girl replies.

"Hahaha, it's okay, my dear! And in fact, I do have some ideas!" The Radio Demon speaks, pointing his finger in the air with a smile.

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