Chapter Four: X

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The limousine ride feels as though it's dragging on forever.

You're squished in beside Angel Dust and Charlie, and Angel has been trying so hard not to get into the cheap booze situated in eye view across from the seats.

"Alastor, where are you even taking us?" Vaggie speaks up over Husk and Angel arguing.

"A place that's suitable for (y/n)'s taste, of course!" The Raido Demon replies.

"Uhh, what's that supposed to mean?" Vaggie asks, looking over at Alastor who's in the far corner of the car, looking out the window with a relaxed grin.

"Yeah, you tryna flirt with her or somethin'?! You only strike me as the type to want dick, not pussy." Angel speaks up, nudging Husk in the gut due to their argument.

"I...! No! We are not speaking of this while we are on our way to a fancy dinner! We will all enjoy ourselves, except maybe you, and have a wonderful evening!!" Alastor replies, trying his best not to break character.

"Whatever ya say, pal." Angel says quietly, with a smirk.

"I don't think he was flirting with her, Angel." Charlie quickly adds.

"Well, I fucking beg to differ!" The gay spider rebuttals.

"Hahaha! I simply meant her taste in food, not men!" Alastor exclaims.

You look down shyly, "Yeah, so there shouldn't be a fuss over this."

"She couldn't have said it better!" The Radio Demon lets out.

Why am I so flustered right now? The Radio Demon is clearly playing around with me, and it's annoying. Plus, I don't want the others getting the wrong idea. I have plenty of men I can date with the snap of a finger... I think?

"Well, would ya look at that. We finally fuckin' arrived." Husk mutters, crossing his arms.

The car stops in front of a large building, with the name, "Butcher's Dream".

The outside is coated in red and golden paint, and even the stairs leading up to the doors are golden.

Couples and families slowly make their way into the restaurant, dressed very proper.

You look over at Angel who is playing with his tight-fit cardigan with a bored expression, and Husk who looks like he just doesn't wanna be here at all.

"Wow, Al... this place looks... fancy. I'm almost a little intimated." Charlie says with a nervous laugh as Alastor holds Charlie's hand, helping her out of the limo.

He does the same to you and Vaggie, and he carries Niffty out.

"I already booked a reservation, my dear. Go on right ahead!" Alastor tells Charlie, his eyelids lowering a bit.

"Coolio!" The blonde replies, hurrying towards the grand, golden doors.

You all walk past the front desk.

"Are you sure we can just walk right through?" You ask Vaggie, nervously.

"If Alastor said so... then I guess it's fine." She replies with a sigh.

The people at the front desk look at you guys in confusion, but you don't question it.

"I think it's so sweet of him to reserve a table for all of us! It couldn't have been cheap." Charlie says with glee.




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