Chapter Five: Lucifer Magne

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The limo comes to a stop in front of the hotel.

Alastor takes your hand as he helps you out like he did back at the restaurant.

"The drivers gonna go back to get the others, right?" You ask with a grin.

"Of course!! Your expectations of me are quite low, my dear!" Alastor replies with a chuckle.

You shrug, "I did just meet you, y'know. That, and you're one of the most powerful demons in Hell...!"

Hahaha! I cannot argue with that." Alastor replies, escorting you into the hotel.

"It almost feels, like... wrong that we're in here without Charlie and Vaggie... I don't know what it is, but there's just something—"

You're cut off by two hands upon your cheeks, pulling you forward into a hellish grasp.

You stumble into Alastor, your hands falling up against his narrow chest.

"A-Al! What are you doing?!" You stammer, looking straight ahead at his black bow tie upon his red dress shirt.

The Radio Demon moves his thumb under your chin, lifting your head to look him in the eyes.

Your hands are so warm, Al... so warm... I wish I could just tell you that...

"You're so innocent... so fragile... every time I look at you, I just want to pick you up and caress you in my arms, biting into your neck, moving my hands up your thighs, placing you against my pelvis while you hold onto me, and that cute little voice of yours moans my name..." Alastor speaks in a sensual tone, his eyes glowing red now.

You feel an energy urging you to get closer to the demon, so you move in a bit, your pelvis's now touching.

You freeze a bit in fear you're getting too close, and with that, the Radio Demon moves his thumb from under your chin, leaning in extremely close to your face before saying, "That's a line from an old soap opera I used to watch!"

Alastor's laugh track from his microphone plays and you furrow your brows in confusion, watching his warm hands release from your cheeks which are now warmed up, letting out a radio-like laugh.

"Dear... you're so vulnerable, and I love it. But alas, I'm Alastor, the Radio Demon, and not just any demon can get to me that easily!" Alastor exclaims, twirling his microphone around.

You look down at the floor.

"You... you're cruel. You led me on... you made me believe... you..." You can't find the words to make a proper sentence.

A few tears begin to well up in your eyes.

"Darling, please don't be sad! As a Radio Host, I need to have my fair share of jokes! Otherwise, what kind of a Radio Host would I be? Definitely a boring one...!" Alastor exclaims, tilting his head to the right a bit.

"Alastor... you're dead. You're dead now. You're not a Radio Host anymore... none of us are what we used to be... don't you get that?" You speak softy, still looking down at the floor, trying desperately to hide the tears from him. "I used to be something, too... but now I'm not. We're not what we were, we are what we are now. And that, is a demon. Al... I don't think you realize how hurt I am right now from you leading me on, ever since the restaurant. I don't know, maybe I'm a fool... but..." You begin to choke up a bit, "was it really so foolish of me to think that the Radio Demon himself could... like me?"

You look up at the Radio Demon.

He has his usual smile and soulless eyes upon his face, standing still like nothing happened.

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