Chapter Seven: The Turf War

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"So where're we hittin' up first? The bar? Ooo, how about the casino?!" A girl calls out.

"That's Cherri Bomb. My girl pal. She's cool." Angel Dust says as the two of you approach the punk-looking girl in the middle of the street.

"Cherri, we're not kidnapping anymore... the plan's off. But (y/n) here thought of an... alternative!" Angel exclaims, throwing his arm around Cherri.

"Oh yeah? Lay it on me!" The high-energy girl states.

"S-So, I decided we could... advertise." You say shyly.

"Advertise? Like those clowns with the signs outside that stupid homeless shelter?" Cherri speaks, pointing towards a rundown building.

"No!! I... well, yeah we would use signs, but... we'll gain attention, I'm sure of it!" You exclaim with a sliver of hope.

Cherri Bomb inspects you for a second before nodding, "Yeah, that'll fucking do. Let's get these signs ADVERTISED!!"

"She's really energetic...!" You whisper to Angel Dust.

"Mhmn! She's my bestie!" Angel says with a warm smile.


Cherri suddenly runs up to a homeless person and grabs their sign asking for food, "Sorry man, we need this more than you!"

The flashy-punk girl begins to rearrange the sign and before you know it, reads cum Check into the HAPPY hotel!!!

Eh, she tried.

You shoot her a quick smile before taking the sign and holding it in the air.

"Y'know babe, this isn't gonna work. We need like... oh, I know! A jingle!" Angel speaks up like he's now the new Einstein.

"A jingle? Ohh ohh, I heard one on TV yesterday for some murder business or somethin', it was like 'When you want somebody gone, 'nd you don't wanna wait too long, call the Immediate Murder Professionals'! Or... somethin' like that." Cherri Bomb exclaims.

"Oh...! I've, uh... never heard that one before!" You reply, scratching the back of your head.

"Yeah, me neither. You're watching some weird channels, Cherri." Angel interrupts, throwing his arm around the girl.

"Hehe, knock it off, Ant!" The girl chuckles with a smirk.


"Oh! Uhh... it's... just a nickname...!" Cherri replies awkwardly, looking up at Angel.

"Y-Yeah... it's just a nickname..." The spider demon adds.

"But, 'Ant' has nothing to do with Angel Dust?" You speak.

"Drop it, dude... he'll tell you with time." Cherri whispers to you.

Ant? What is that short for...?

"A-Anyway! We should try and come up with that jingle, now!" You say, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Okay...! I think I got it," Cherri clears her throat, "H, is for the way you HATE... the world! A, is for only men's ass... Angel eats! T, is very very... titty and tit sounding...! E, is bigger than any of the Egg Bois combined—"

"Hahahahaha!! Did someone mention my EGG BOIS?" A slithery-like voice yells.

You spin around and see a tall snake-like demon behind you, a bunch of... Egg Bois behind him.

"Why, if it isn't Apple Bomb and Cocaine!" The demon hisses like a maniac.

"It's Cherri Bomb, and Angel Dust ya whore!!" Cherri speaks up with a grin.

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