My Dear

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I rested my dainty head on the earth, snorting in boredom. My mind was on the wolf again; it had been four days since I had seen him, and still my mind came back to him every few minutes. I was envisioning his flowing fur, his soft paws...
I looked up to see a familiar figure standing over me. It was Dolus, one of the young stags. He had a dark brown coat and an amber belly and snout. He had two black marks under each of his eyes. His small antlers looked like little sticks, not yet staggering branches, but still large enough to intimidate me a bit.
"Oh, hi." I grunted absent-mindedly.
He came towards me, his strong hooves tramping the dirt elegantly, "What are you thinking about?"
My ears perked upon alarm, "Nothing!" I said too quickly, averting my gaze.
He flicked his ears and lay down beside me, "It's Ranaa, right?"
"Yeah. You're Dolus, son of Grace, the alpha doe?" I flicked my tail.
He raised his head in pride, sending his antlers in great arcs in the air, "Soon to be the top buck in all the land."
I twitched my ear in mild agreement and continued thinking. There was a pause.
"You know, your mother is the prettiest doe in the herd." He tried to start a conversation.
I flicked my ear again. Another pause.
"You take after her, is what I'm trying to say." He grunted, looking away.
I barely heard him. My mind was yet again envisioning the flowing fur, the golden eyes...
"You seem distracted, Ranaa." Dolus nudged me with his snout.
"Hmm?" I perked my ears and turned to look at him.
"You seem distracted. If there's anything on your mind, you can tell me." He licked my ear, which I found a bit odd, "I'll accept whatever you have to say."
"You won't tell anyone?" I gazed at him suspiciously.
"Not a soul."
I thought for a second.
"You see, it was about four sunrises ago..." slowly, I told him about the wolf, about how he saved me, how I would be dead if it wasnt for him. I was tempted to describe his beautiful eyes and flowing fur, but I decided aga
"I'm not sure why he saved me, but all I know is that I can't stop thinking about him, not for a second." I gazed at the clouds, the impossible life filling my mind once more, "Its almost like we were meant to be."
I paused and then looked back at Dolus. He had a blank look of disbelief on his face, and I got a bit irritated.
"It's true!" I grunted, "All of it."
"Uh, sure." He started to get up, "Well, I think I'm gonna-"
"Wait, no, Dolus!" I blurted, rushing to my feet.
He looked back at me, concern in his eyes.
I brushed the dirt with my hoof, tracing lines in the leaves, "The truth is, I've been thinking of running away."
"What? What are you talking about?" Dolus snorted.
"Well, I just cant stop thinking of the wolf." I trampled the dirt, bouncing frantically, "I have to see him again. But I wouldn't be able to survive out there on my own."
Dolus stood still for a moment, before suddenly, a look of relaxation and arrogance came over his body, "Oh, so that's how it is."
I was a bit confused, but I bowed my head, "Please come with me, Dolus. I need help."
"Of course I'll come with you, Ranaa. I'll protect you from the scary wolves." He winked, deepening my confusion.

"Mommy?" I bounced toward my mother, her pelt glowing gold in the setting sun, "Mommy, can I speak to you?"
She raised her head from where she was chewing the grass and flicked her ears, "Yes, my dear?"
"There's something urgent that I need to tell you." I flipped my ears back.
She perked her head up and looked urgently around the clearing, "What? What is it?"
I leaned forward and licked her muzzle, pushing my ears back up, "I love you!"
She snorted in laughter, "Oh, you got me then, Ranaa! I love you too, my dear."
"The sun is setting!" Grace, the glamorous alpha doe, bleated loudly, gazing up at the darkening sky.
The rest of the herd all flicked their ears in acknowledgment and headed off towards various corners of the clearing.
"Time for bed, honey." My mother licked my ears.
"Um, actually Mommy," I started, as she looked back at me, "Do you mind if I sleep over with Dolus tonight?"
She flicked her ears and cocked her head to the side, "Darling, don't you think you're a bit young for that?"
This confused me, "What? We're just friends! It's not that bad, is it?"
She turned away, "If you're sure. Goodnight, my dear!"
Once she had disappeared behind the shrubbery, I headed over to where Dolus lay with his mother.
As I approached, Grace lifted her head, "Who are you? Leave me alone."
"Mom, she's with me," Dolus grunted, not raising his head.
I bowed my head respectfully and trotted over towards him. I folded my legs beneath me and lay next to the dark buck. As soon as I was down, he pressed his flank up against me, making me a bit uncomfortable. I didnt really understand why, though.
Dolus flicked his ears, "I'll wake you up at Moonrise."
"Thanks, Dolus," I snorted gently, "goodnight."
"Night, Ranaa."

"Ranaa," he called my name.
"Ranaa," his amber eyes glowed.
"I'm here," I tried to yell, "Where are you?!"
"Ranaa!" A different voice grunted in my ear.
My eyes opened with a snap and I saw Dolus' silhouetted shape against the moon looming over me.
"Ranaa, get up!" He nudged me and I raised my head stiffly.
"What? Where am I?" I blinked wildly.
"We need to leave, it's nearly Moonhigh already!" Dolus helped me to my feet.
"Oh, right!" I stole a glance at his mother, still fast asleep, and then back at the clearing. The herd just looked like grey rocks in the moonlight, pressed against trees or curled up in the soft grass. The white night air clouded around my snout as I looked back at Dolus. My heart was racing - I was going to see the wolf; finally!
"Let's go." I raised my head and trotted forwards, my dainty hooves barely making a sound in the dirt. Whiteprint was thawing, and soon Newfawn would blossom around the trees. Together, Dolus and I crept through the undergrowth, keeping our heads low, past the sleeping deer and heading northwards. I nearly fell forward as I narrowly missed standing on a sleeping hoof; I looked at the deer and my breath caught in my throat.
My mother lay there, so peaceful and unaware - I leant down and licked her ears. Her head shifted slightly.
"Goodbye, Mommy." I flicked my ears.
"Ranaa, what are you doing?" Dolus grunted from behind me.
I glanced back at him and then up at the moon.
"Nothing." I continued on, the great grey mountains looming in the distance.

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