The Wolf, the Doe, and The Mage

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In a land far away, dawn is breaking. It shines its life-giving rays onto the forest below, chasing away the clouds. These woods, where deciduous trees and bright green foliage flourishes, is unlike any forest you've been to, I'm sure. This is because of the magic it holds.
In every deepest root, in every hoot of the owl, in every step of the deer, there lies magic. Magic, just waiting to be unlocked.
Overshadowing this forest is a mountain, white with snow despite the midsummer heat - a carpet of evergreen spruce trees blanketed the mountain's sides. This mountain is home to many a shrew, many a ferret, many a wolf. All waking up for the morning, the birds singing their wake-up call to the world.
Many rivers twisted through the forest, many glades shimmered in the golden light.
At the edge of one glade in particular, a she-wolf stole a glance back, before heading eastwards, to her pack. In this glade, the magic seemed to glimmer in the air and ground more that ever.
In the centre, a family shared an embrace. A mother, father and daughter.

Four years ago, a couple was killed by a bear. However, their love for each other, and for their daughter, meant that their souls stayed bound to the earth, rekindled in the animal they resonated most with; in her case a fallow deer, and in his a grey wolf.
Since their death, the daughter had tried and failed again and again to bring her parents back from the grave. She had used necromancy to summon their skeletons, right from their place of death, though she was missing the most important part - the souls.
The reborn souls were forever destined to meet with their former loved ones, the ones that kept them bound to the earth. Through this ancient power, they would be able to understand one another when they spoke. However, the key was memory. The souls could only rejoin with their body if they remembered their past life. Until then, they were bound in their new forms.

With that being said, the family embraced one another, the couple's memory flooding back even now. But they would not easily forget their experiences apart, as someone else, something else. Not Willow, nor Aiken, and certainly not Rune. No.
They would not forget the Wolf, the Doe and the Mage.

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