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I awoke to the sound of something moving through the undergrowth. The forest was wrapped in shadows, the smell of moisture in the air. I was sleeping outside, as I found it more comfortable, plus I didn't like the strange, unfamiliar walls that surrounded me. I lifted my head from the ground and perked up my ears, sniffing the air to find the source of the noise. I expected to smell fox or badger, maybe even another deer. But instead I smelt something more familiar - Rune?
She seemed to be heading north, carrying a large load in her satual, her heavy cloak rubbing against her clothes. Confused, I was about to follow her, but instead decided to ask Koiress if he knew anything about it. I trotted inside the house and headed up to Rune's room, where I knew the wolf slept. As I turned through the doorway, I found him curled up on a rug, a little to the left of the single bed. I thought he was asleep, until he lifted his head to look at me as I entered. He had a look of sadness and anxiety in his eyes, like two glowing lanterns in the darkness.
"Ranaa!" He stuttered, trying to compose himself, "What's the matter?"
"I heard Rune heading north, and I was wondering if you knew anything about it?" I trotted up to him.
He looked away and muttered, "I'm not supposed to say..."
"Come on, Koiress..." I sat beside him and eyed him hopefully, "I wish we didn't have to keep secrets."
He paused, before saying, "She's going to perform the spell again. The one where she summons skeletons. She says she's got a different tactic this time."
I paused, envisioning the sight of Rune fighting the skeletons on her own.
"Well why are you just sitting here, we've got to be there incase it goes wrong!" I rose to my feet, urging him along.
He shook his head, "I promised I wouldn't follow her."
"Koiress, you can't just let her fight them alone!" I yelped.
"She won't be alone." He muttered.
I glanced at him quizzically.
"I managed to convince one of my old pack members to be there to defend her." He explained quickly.
"One wolf isn't enough; it was barely enough last time!"
"It's too dangerous! I was nearly killed last time!" He protested.
"No, she was nearly killed. You saved her, Koiress! You can again." I gazed at him firmly.
He hesitated, for a couple seconds, gazing at me with desperation.
Then his expression changed to determination, and he nodded, "Alright. I'll do it."
I grinned, "Besides, you'll have me with you this time."
He looked shocked, "No, absolutely not. I will not let you come with me." He barked, making me flinch.
He immediately looked away with guilt.
I bowed my head to meet his eye level, "I'm coming with you, Koiress." I said in a steady tone.
He mumbled something in protest, but I had already started out of the room, leaving him to catch up.

We trekked through the dense undergrowth, heading north. What a strange sight it must've been; a wolf and a deer, walking peacefully side-by-side. I glanced at him, at his silky grey fur that flowed off his muscles like a river, and my heart fluttered.
He stopped to sniff the ground, searching for her trail.
"She's definatly heading for the Grove." He said gruffly, "That's good; it means Arvanta will be there to help."
"Arvanta," I said thoughtfully, "Is that the wolf's name?"
He nodded. There was a pause.
"Were you close?" I asked.
There was another pause as we continued walking.
"She confessed to me that she loved me today." He said suddenly.
I was taken aback, "Really?"
"Yes. She said the she has since we were pups."
A burst of unfamiliar emotion ran through me - jealousy?
I swallowed it back, "What did you say to her?"
"I told her I wasn't interested. Because... I love someone else." He glanced up at me.
My heart skipped a beat, "Who?"
He smiled warmly, "You."
I smiled back, speechless. I was about to reply, when I heard a sound up ahead. Both me and Koiress whipped our heads around, ears perked up. A large shape moved through the forest, toward us. I prepared to flee as it emerged from the undergrowth, but then relaxed when I saw what it was.
It was a young stag, about a head taller then me, and with large antlers that caught in the branches above. I didn't immediately recognise him in the darkness.
"Ranaa?" His familiar voice said.
I gasped, "Dolus?"
He had changed do much; his once stubby antlers had grown high, and his silky brown coat glistened in the moonlight.
Koiress looked at me, "You know him?"
I nodded.
"It's a wolf!" Dolus exclaimed, "Ranaa, get back!"
"No, it's okay!" I replied, "He's my friend. Remember, the one I told you about?"
His expression was at first shock, then confusion, and finally anger.
"You mean you were telling the truth the whole time?" He snorted.
"Yes, why would I lie to you?" I snapped.
"I thought you just wanted to get me alone! You know, so you could ask me to be your mate?" He explained furiously.
"What, no!" I exclaimed.
Suddenly, I heard the echoing snort of another deer, calling Dolus' name. He whipped his head back towards it, before looking back at me.
He glanced between me and Koiress, before grunting, "Whatever. I'm over you, Ranaa. Have a great life with your beloved wolf."
In a flash, he bounded past the trees, in the direction of the voice. It was such an odd encounter, I hadn't seen anyone but Rune and Koiress in so long, it felt weird to talk to another of my kind.
"What did he say?" Koiress asked, making me jump.
"You didn't hear him?" I was confused.
"It was all just grunts and grumbles for me; I couldn't understand him like I can with you."
"Oh, well he said that he was 'over me', whatever that means."
"Ah." Koiress looked away, and we continued walking.

As we kept walking, the ground got steeper, and the moon got lower and lower in the sky. A strange fog seemed to come out of nowhere as we climbed further up the mountain. At some point the soft grass was replaced with icy rock, and my hooves kept slipping. Koiress, on the other hand, seemed right at home in this environment. His leathery paws gripped the stone easily, allowing him to go much quicker than me, and often having to stop to let me catch up. We walked in silence, hoping that we weren't too late. All the while I was thinking about what Koiress had said - about how he loved me. I tossed around the implications, wondering whether he meant it platonically or not. I decided it was best to ask him straight up.
"Koiress..." I began.
"Yes, Ranaa?" He glanced up at me.
I hesitated, gazing into his amber eyes, thinking of something to say, "I-"
"Wait, what's that?" Koiress hissed, his ears pricked.
I twisted my ears round to face forward and listened. Sure enough, a faint sound caught the breeze - the chanting of a familiar voice.
"She's already started the spell!" Koiress barked, before sprinting forwards.
I followed him quick as I could, dreading what was to come.

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