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The words flowed from my mouth like a river, my demonic chanting echoing around the glade. A slight drizzle fell upon my head, the small clearing blanketed in fog. I recited those words like a song; those words I had spent so many months memorizing. The two skeletons had fully emerged from the ground now; their bones and expressions still frozen in time. I spoke the last line of the spell and the skeletons dropped to the floor, coming to life. I exhaled, feeling the dark magic seep from my veins. I took only a moment to gaze at the skeletons, their bone placement and height exactly the same as it had been in the cave, before I reached into my satchel and pulled out a sword - my father's sword. Hastily, I walked up to the taller skeleton and held out the sword in my hands.
"Don't you remember, Dad?" I said quietly, "It's me, Rune!"
The skeleton gazed at me with an emotion I couldn't pick up on, and then glanced down at the sword. To my delight, he grasped the world's hilt with his hand, and held it carefully. I smiled, waiting for a further reaction.
There was a pause that seemed to last forever as the skeleton examined the sword.
He glanced back up at me.
Then, he let out the most horrifying scream, like nails on a chalkboard. I covered my ears with my hands and cowered down, taking a step back. I looked back up to see the skeleton standing over me, sword in hand. He raised it up to strike, and I prepared for the blow.
But all of a sudden, something rammed into him from the side. I saw a ball of grey fur tackle the skeleton to the floor and immediately assumed it was Koiress. But then I noticed that the fur was lighter than his, and specked with little grey freckles - it was a young she-wolf. I didn't have much time to be confused, however, for the female skeleton had leaped towards me and started battering me with its fists. I retaliated by tripping it up, however it sprang back and started charging up a magical spell. I was quicker, however, and managed to grab its wrist, distracting it. I stole a glance at the she-wolf, who was still wrestling with the male skeleton; she had acquired a variety of cuts and bruises from the skeleton's ongoing slashes and bashes, and I worried for her health. I had no weapons, and it was extremely difficult to defeat these skeletons; they had magic on their side. Plus, they seemed to be stronger this time - quicker on their feet, and more resilient. The she-wolf glanced up at me, and our eyes met for a split second. She gave me a desperate look, before gazing over my shoulder at something in the forest. Her tail started wagging and she barked loudly. I followed her gaze, and saw something darting through the forest; I could already guess what it was.
Koriess leaped from out of the undergrowth, barreling the female skeleton over.
"Koiress, you promised!" I shouted.
"Sorry, she convinced me." He yelled back, before continue to pin down the skeleton.
"Who?" I asked.
"I did!" A voice said behind me.
I turned around with dread to see Ranaa standing at the edge of the glade. Her glossy beige coat was damp from the rain, her daintly legs bruised and shaking from the climb up the mountain.
"What are you doing here?" I turned back to Koiress, who was still struggling with the skeleton, "Why did you let her come with you?!"
"I insisted." Ranaa bounded to my side, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, just a scratch." I said as she sniffed my bleeding hand.
I turned my attention back to Koiress and the she-wolf. They were back-to-back, swiping and snarling at the skeletons, who were fighting back harshly.
"Who... who's she?" Ranaa breathed.
"Oh, I'm not sure..." I said, "it might be one if Koiress' old packmates-"
"No, not the wolf," she furrowed her eyebrows, "the skeleton."
I followed her gaze and realized she was looking at the female skeleton.
"That's... my mother." I said, gazing at her curiously.
She seemed to be lost in thought, staring through the fog at the undead creature. I stared closer at the skeleton, squinting through the rain. Yes, I thought. If you look closely, you can see the ghostly figure of a woman, striking along with its movements.
"It's... it's..." Ranaa seemed to be trying to bring herself back to reality.
"What?" I asked softly.
She turned her head to gaze at me, her dark eyes wide with wonder, "It's me!"
All of a sudden, my vision went white, and I was pulled out of the glade and into the past.

I felt nothing. Heard nothing. Saw nothing - only the white abyss of my mind.
Then, I heard the chuckle if a baby. It took me a couple seconds to realize that the laugh was made by me. My vision slowly cleared to reveal a woman. She had big dark eyes, and light brown hair that was held into a little ponytail by a ribbon. She had a little button-like nose and beige lips, and her face was dotted with freckles, like someone had splattered paint all over her nose and cheeks. She was singing a song I recognised all too well.
"Homecome my darling,
Homecome my dear.
If you stray too far,
I'll be right here."
It was a song my mother had written herself; it had always helped me get to sleep when I was a toddler.
"Deep in the forest,
High near the clouds.
I will remember,
Remember me now."
It was then that I recognised the woman as my mother; I was shocked it had taken me that long to realize it was her...
"Even through darkness,
Even though strife.
We'll be together,
All of our lives."
It was then that I realized that she was holding me in her arms. How was that possible?
"If all the shadows,
Eat up the light,
We'll find a way,
Out of the night."
I was a baby. Just a couple months old at most. The song made me feel drowsy...
"And as my feet touch
The winter snow.
I'll find you, darling,
Don't you know?"
I felt so peaceful. So at ease. I could sleep in her arms, all of my worries melting away...
"And if we part, sweet,
Just hear this sound.
I'll sing this song,
So remember me now..."
I closed my eyes, and drifted into the night. Darkness swallowed me, and all of a sudden I was back at the glade, the fog cloaking my body and the rain dripping eerily.
I almost I instantly forgot the entire memory, save for the feeling of everlasting peace.
But somehow, I knew that Ranaa had remembered it.

"Rune, it's okay!" The doe exclaimed.
"What?" I shook my head to clear the last of the daze.
"The spell will work! I know how I can help!" She seemed so excited, "It's me and Koiress! We're your-"
"Rune, look out!" Koiress cut in from afar.
I turned around just in time to see the male skeleton crashing the hilt of his sword down upon me. I saw stars dance before my eyes and fell to the ground. I shook my now pounding head to see the she-wolf standing between me and the skeleton, swiping at it with one paw. Koiress was by my side in an instant, shuffling at my head and barking concerned questions.
"I'm... I'm okay." I rubbed my head as Koiress turned to the skeleton, assisting the she-wolf in ber battle.
I turned back to make sure that Ranaa was okay, before realizing that she was gone. Fear crept into my bones as I scanned the glade. To my dismay, I saw her standing before the female skeleton, gazing up at it curiously. The skeleton was charging a magical spell in its palm, aiming a deadly blow.
"Ranaa!" I yelled, reaching my hand out.
The skeleton threw the spell at Ranaa, and a blinding light shone in my eyes. I looked away, squinting. The two wolves had stopped fighting, and looked over too, as did the second skeleton. Once the light cleared, I saw not the dead body of a deer, but Ranaa, very much alive, standing before a dumbfounded skeleton. All was quiet - the rain cleared almost instantly, as did the fog. Dramatically, the clouds parted above out heads, shining a way of morning light down on the elegant deer. As I gazed at her, I no longer saw the helpless, naive little fawn that was injured and tired in my house - I saw a doe, grand and proud, her damp fur now magically dry and lustrous. Her big black eyes gazed at the skeleton, like a bind person looking into a mirror for the first time.
Her voice broke the silence - though it was no longer her normal, chirpy voice, but a flowing, mature whisper, and a voice that I knew all too well.
"I... remember..."
The skeleton reached out its hand, extending its fingertips towards her forehead. She leaned forwards, closing her eyes, and collided with the skeleton. There was a flash of white light, though not as bright as before, and once it cleared, I saw not a skeleton or a deer, but a woman.
"Oh mommy..." I breathed.
She smiled at me, her lips turned upwards so much it looked like it hurt.
"Rune..." her soft, flowing voice said. She turned her attention to the wolves, "Koiress... Aiken..."
Koiress looks startled, and then he turned to face the skeleton, who was gazing at him. As he looked at the undead creature and squinted, he seemed to see something that I could not. Then, when it reached out its hand, he stepped forwards into it. Another flash of white light, and there stood a man, who's long, flowing hair was white as the snow underfoot.
"Dad..." I breathed.
Then, they both ran up to me at once, embracing me and each other in their arms.
The tears ran down my face - I didn't think of how, nor why, this was happening. I just cried. I let out all of the depression and anguish that had built up over the past four years; and I was home.
Home, in their arms.

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