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They made their way back to Scott's and as soon as Stiles saw his best friend, he asked, "Hey, is Kira okay? Scott?"

Scott ignored him and rushed up the stairs. Lucy ran up just in time to see Scott insert his claws in the back of Corey's neck. She frowned, confused as to what was going on with her friends.

The group soon joined together, and Lydia warned, "Don't get too close."

"What is he doing?" Theo asked.

"Tapping into Corey's memories. It's usually something only alphas do."

Lucy noticed a suspicious look in Theo's eye as he wondered, "Is it as dangerous as it looks?"

Stiles looked to Theo. "Probably more."

"Does anyone know if it's working?" Mason questioned.

Corey repeated 'no' over and over and moments later, Scott fell backwards.

Corey placed a hand on the back of his neck. "What the hell did you do to me?"

"You'll be alright," Scott told him.

"There's blood."

"You'll heal."

"Scott..." Lucy warned, displeased by his actions.

"Lucy, he'll be fine!" His eyes softened, seeing her glare. "Sorry. Listen... I think it worked. I saw something." He grabbed a notepad and began sketching an image. "There were tunnels. Pipes along the wall. There were these plue popes at the entrance. Two on both sides."

Stiles looked closer at the drawing. "Wait a second. I know this. I've seen this before. That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in. Remember my dad caught me one time and told me to never go back?"

Lydia's eyes widened. "It's the water treatment plant. That's where they are. That's where we'll find them."

Scott and Lucy ran down the stairs, Stiles on their tails. "Scott... Lu. Scott, slow down. Just think for a second, okay?"

Lucy noticed Mason following them and shook her head. "I think it'd be best for you to stay here."

He frowned. "Liam's my best friend."

Stiles scoffed. "Oh, did you suddenly get super wolf powers or super powerful demigod powers? I wasn't aware of that development."

Scott ignored his words. "Well, if you're not going, I could use the help."

Stiles nodded. "No, I'm coming, just as soon as I talk to my dad. They're moving the body and he wants to make sure that this time, no one steals it."

Lucy frowned. "How's he gonna see to that?"

"I don't know. But whoever took the last one was strong enough to flip my Jeep."

"We can bring Theo," Malia suggested.

Lucy studied Theo. There was something about him that she didn't trust, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Theo shook his head. "Maybe I better stay here. You know, in case the Doctors decide to make a house call for Corey."

Lydia stepped closer to them. "Scott, Lu, Stiles is right. We need to slow down at think."

Scott narrowed his eyes. "I am thinking... about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead."

Lucy shook her head. "They're not, Scott."

"How do you know?!"

"Daughter of Hades, idiota!"

Lydia looked back at Corey. "You could have hurt him, Scott. Really hurt him."

Scott kept walking, followed by Lucy, Malia, and Corey. "I have to find Liam."

Lucy felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to see Stiles. "Text me. For anything."

She nodded. "Yeah."

"For anything, okay?"

"I already said I would."

He nodded and kissed her.

They arrived at the water treatment plant and started walking down the corridors, pipes on either side. The boys were ahead of the girls.

"Liam!" They called.

After a moment, Malia asked, "Can you catch a scent?"

Scott shook his head. "There's too many chemicals."

"Then this might take awhile."

Lucy sighed, frustrated, as they continued walking down the corridor. They kept calling for Liam and Hayden. Scott turned and said breathlessly, "Okay, we need to make sure that we're not covering the same area."

Lucy looked at him. "Scott, do you need your inhaler?"

"Quiet," he replied. "I think I hear something."

The same noise caught Malia's attention. "It's the lights, isn't it?"

Scott motioned for the group to follow him. "Come on. This way."

Mason sighed. "I'm telling you guys, we've been down this before."

Scott stopped and stared at the looming tunnel. "What the hell are we doing? We're running up and down this place. Up and down the tunnels. And there's no way..." He took a moment to catch his breath. "There's no way that we're gonna find..." He continued to struggle for air.

"Scott, you need your inhaler," Malia told him. "Scott, use it. Use your inhaler."

His wheezing intensified and he pulled out his inhaler. He took a puff and his breath normalized. "This is all my fault. We're never going to find them. It's all my fault."

"Scott," Mason called, offering a hand which Scott accepted. "We should keep looking. We should keep trying."

Scott looked to Lucy and Malia and they nodded.

They continued searching and were told that Liam and Hayden had been found.

Lucy brushed the dust from her jeans, spreading it around, but she didn't care.

As soon as they got back to Scott's, Liam and Hayden were cuddling on the couch. Lucy walked up and asked, "Are you two okay?"

Liam nodded. "We are now."

"Good. I think some rest would do you both some good. I'm going to be upstairs in my room. Let me know if you need me, okay?"

Hayden smiled. "Thanks, Lucy."

As Lucy made her way up the stairs, she heard Theo talking about her and Scott. "Well, Scott's a True Alpha, which means he got his power by sheer will and not killing anyone. What would happen if he actually did kill someone? Would he lose his alpha status? What about Lucy? Word is she's got a temper. What would happen if she got mad enough to do something awful? I recall hearing that demigods have fatal flaws. What's hers? Is she still going to want to be with after she finds out what you did?"

"You really think I'd tell you? Just leave her alone! Leave all of us alone!" Stiles cried.

"I think they deserve to know. And if a pack member is keeping something from his alpha, I think Scott should know."

Lucy frowned, wondering what Stiles was hiding from them. She brushed the thoughts away and went into her room and sat on her bed.

The Kids From Yesterday // Stiles Stilinksi [2/2]Where stories live. Discover now