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Stiles frowned. "Lu, why are we here? It's a strawberry field."

Lucy looked up at him. "Stiles, you wanted to see camp. Now, I've talked to Chiron, and he's agreed to let you come for the day."

Stiles stopped in his tracks. "Wait. I'm allowed to enter your special camp? I thought no mortals, excluding this Rachel could."

"Well, special privilege, I suppose. Come on."

After giving him permission, they entered Camp Half-Blood and Stiles looked around. "Whoa. This is your summer camp?"

"Yup. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

Drew walked up, seeing Lucy. "Well, if it isn't creepy Death Girl."

Stiles frowned. "Hey! Don't say that about her."

Drew smiled at Stiles and studied his face. "He's cute. Come on. I'll show you around."

"No, I'm good. I think I'll let Lucy show me around. She's my tour guide for the day."

Drew frowned and smiled flirtatiously. "Trust me. I'm a much better tour guide than Death Girl. I know all the best places to explore."

Stiles backed away. "No. Can you please go?"

"No one can resist Charmspeak! Well, except one. How come you can resist it?"

Lucy smirked. "Because he's in love with me and I love him. So back off before I make you. There are a couple ghosts I personally know who are definitely not fans of your mother."

Drew glared and stalked away.

Stiles grinned. "That was awesome! Who's her mom?"

"Aphrodite," Lucy replied. "Goddess of love. You shouldn't have been able to resist Charmspeak. No one can. Except Piper of course."


"Another daughter of Aphrodite. Much nicer than Drew. She's a friend of mine. Wonder if she's here."

They walked through camp holding hands as Lucy gave him a tour. She was planning on showing him the Hades cabin last.

Annabeth smiled, seeing Lucy. "Welcome back. I assume this is your mortal friend?"

"Boyfriend," Stiles corrected. "And the mortal has a name. It's Stiles."

"What kind of name is Stiles?"

"A nickname. My name is actually Mieczyslaw."

"Uh, let's stick with Stiles. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Lucy's not much for sharing pictures."

Stiles smiled. "No, she's not."

Percy walked up and hugged Lucy before saying, "Nico's worried. You might want to drop by your cabin."

"You have a cabin?" Stiles asked, surprised.

Lucy shot Percy a look. "I was waiting to show you, but fine. Since Nico's so worried, I'll go. Come on, Stiles."

He followed her to the Hades cabin and muttered, "13. How fitting. Kind of creepy, Lu."

She shrugged. "So you say. Feels like home to me."

They walked inside to see Nico sitting and fiddling with something.

"Hey, Nico," Lucy greeted.

Nico stood up. "Well, it's about time! Where have you been? What have you been doing?"

"Relax. Exacting some revenge on people. Don't worry, I didn't kill anyone."

He sighed. "Good. Nice to see you again, Stiles."

Stiles nodded. "You too. You know, you guys look a lot alike." He looked around the cabin. "Uh, I'm gonna stand outside. It's kind of creepy in here."

Lucy smirked. "Very well. Not everyone enjoys being in here."

The half-siblings hugged before Lucy rejoined Stiles to show him more of the camp.

She looked up at him and smiled. She silently thanked Chiron for sending her on a mission to find out what had happened to Laura Hale.

Stiles caught Lucy's eye and smiled. "I love you, Lu."

"I love you too, Stiles," she replied, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him.

She closed her eyes and whispered, "Thank you, Aphrodite."

The Kids From Yesterday // Stiles Stilinksi [2/2]Where stories live. Discover now