Chapter 2

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*Warning, slight angst*

*Thoughts in italics*

Jisung was standing in the bathroom, crying softly to himself. Not just because of the pain, but also because of the fear of rejection he thought he would have to face after the boys found out what he was.

He was sniffling softly and just went back to his room, unconsciously slamming his door behind him before locking it. He had startled most of the boys in the house besides Changbin and Seungmin, the heaviest sleepers on the planet Earth. Soon all the boys were outside of the omegas room, trying to get in. They were all worried and smelled the difference in his scent.

"Jisung let us in. What's going on?" Minho asked softly through the door.

"Nothing. I'm going to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you. I didn't mean to slam my door." Jisung responded before opening his window so that the cold air would be let in and he would be cooled down. It didn't work that well, but it felt better than being completely on fire.

"Let us in or I'll break the door down," Hyunjin growled out, using his alpha voice, which only turned Jisung on.

"N-no... I'm too tired to get up... I'm just sick... please just go back to sleep, I'm sorry." Jisung whimpered out in extreme pain and sadness for waking up the boys. He didn't know how he would be able to put up with this for the elongated first heat. "I just need sleep and rest and for you guys to be happy and healthy so that when I come out everything can go back to normal." He yelped after he finished talking because of an intense wave of heat that passed relatively quickly.

The alphas were talking outside the door in low voices that seemed to scare the betas because they were all whimpering and cowering in slight fear.

"Jisung just let us in." Jeongin whimpered softly through the door, "please... hyung you're scaring me.."

"Please just leave me alone." Jisung sobbed out exasperatedly, in pain and stressed from trying to keep the boys out, "please..."

The alphas immediately softened at the sound of his sobbing and sighed.

"Fine. We'll leave you alone until the morning. Then you have to come out and talk to us and let us take care of you, or else we'll get Changbin involved and Seungmin will just use his key to get in, got it?" Hyunjin asked aggressively.

Jisung just pretended like he had already fallen asleep and when the boys walked away, he let all of his thoughts take over. Negative overpowering the positive.

They're gonna stop loving you. You're the only omega. You're an outcast now. What are you gonna do when they kick you out? These thoughts took over his brain and his entire body just writhed in pain as his heat got worse. Oh, why did he have to be an omega? He felt like the world was crashing down on him, all because of something he couldn't control.

It's fine. I'll just keep it from them. He tried to counter all the bad thoughts with slightly more positive thoughts. But the boy had a more distinct scent now, and it wouldn't be hard to tell that he had presented.

As if it couldn't have gotten worse, Jisung ended up not being able to sleep at all after he worried the boys. His body was filled with guilt and he worried that he wouldn't be able to hide it from the boys.

After seven hours of yelping and whimpering in pain, the small boy was able to fall asleep. As he drifted off into a painful, deep, and long sleep, he dreamt about being accepted and even loving his true self. If only it were true.

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