Chapter 10

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Jisung woke up and immediately felt the urge to puke. He quickly untangled himself from Minho's arms and went to the bathroom to let out everything that he had eaten the day before that he hadn't already thrown up.

Minho didn't hear him or feel him move, so he stayed asleep. Felix, however, did hear him and immediately went to comfort the boy because he knew he was having a difficult time.

Felix rubbed his back softly while he was throwing up, "hey sungie... It's Felix, I just wanted to make sure you're feeling ok." He grabbed a damp cloth and knelt next to him. He continued to rub his back and waited for the poor boy to finish puking.

Once he was done, Felix started to wipe his face with the wet cloth. He smiled when Jisung closed his eyes and showed that he was enjoying it.

"Would you like to brush your teeth then come lay down with me to try and sleep some more? It's only three in the morning baby." Felix asked the boy, his voice soft and laced in concern.

Jisung only nodded and cuddled into his chest, getting tired again.

Felix helped him up, "no no no baby stay awake until we get to my room, ok? Just wait a little longer, ok princess?" He tried keeping Jisung awake.

Jisung nodded and grabbed his toothbrush. He quickly brushed his teeth while Felix wiped the back of his neck with the damp cloth to keep him cool.

Jisung finished brushing his teeth and put his toothbrush back. Felix hung the cloth up to dry and helped Jisung to get to his room.

"Do you need anything while I'm still up baby?" Felix asked as he laid Jisung down carefully, to which he shook his head no and just pulled Felix into bed with him.

Felix smiled and held him close, rubbing his back to lull the boy into sleep. Soon they were both sleeping again.

A few hours later, Minho woke up in a panic when his pregnant boyfriend wasn't in his arms. Immediately, he went to Changbin's room and shook him harshly from his sleep.

"Changbin! Changbin, Jisung wasn't in my room when I woke up! I don't know where he went! Changbin!" He yelled louder, making the boy jump and sit up.

"Have you looked in the other boys rooms yet? Stop screaming before you wake everyone and we end up with moody boys all day." He groaned and got up, wearing only boxers.

"Ah.. n-no I haven't... " Minho looked Changbin's body up and down, blushing. "I-I should go check in Felix' room. They are like b-best friends..." he continued, but made no effort to move out of the room.

"Or since you're looking at me like a piece of meat, you can stay here and we can go get Jisung from Felix later?" Changbin offered as he smirked and bit his lip softly. Safe to say they were in Changbin's room for at least another hour.

Jisung woke up in Felix' arms and smiled "Good morning Lixxie." he spoke softly, voice groggy.

Felix was carding his fingers through Jisung's hair slowly while Jisung curled into his side even more. Ji smiled softly and took in Felix strong coffee like scent.

He looked up at Felix and spoke in a small, but deep morning voice, "you make me feel safe and happy. You should stay here with me all day today. I don't wanna go to school." he gave Felix puppy dog eyes to silently beg him to stay home with him.

Felix sighed and shook his head, "I'm sorry baby, but Changbin and I were talking last night before we went to bed and he said that I have to make sure you get to school for the rest of the week before we get you signed up for online school." he didn't know how the pregnant boy would react so he carefully and very softly patted his head.

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